Agenda item

2012/13 Performance Outturns


The Leader of the Council submitted a report detailing the performance indicators that the Council was required to monitor and publish annually in the Annual Report.  The purpose of the report was to advise Members of the performance outturns for 2012/13 and any changes to targets.


Members were advised of the new ICT performance indicators as well as the new Leisure performance indicator.  Members were also advised that a review was underway in respect of the most suitable performance measures for the Revenues and Benefits Shared Service.


Councillor J Mayes expressed concerns in respect of EHPI 184 and food establishments being “broadly” compliant with food hygiene law.  The Corporate Planning and Performance Manager undertook to seek further information on the technical definition of ‘broadly’ and respond to Members after the meeting.


In response to a query from Councillor J Wing, Members were advised that performance monitoring of the leisure service was carried out by the Council’s Leisure Provider using Gov Metric devices which were also used in the Council’s receptions.  Members were also reminded that a detailed report and analysis of leisure performance indicators had been received by Community Scrutiny Committee at their last meeting in March 2013 and all these papers were available on the website.


Councillor T Page commented on EHPI 3a, the percentage of under 16s swimming at the Council’s leisure facilities.  He stated the actual number of under 16s using the pools was higher than that stated in the report.  He also queried whether the figures included members of swimming clubs.


Councillor M Pope commented on the extra resources that had been allocated to help the performance of the Revenues and Benefits Service.  Members were advised that the resources approved by the Executive on 4 September 2012 had made a difference and continued to provide intensive support to target backlogs and successfully reduce waiting times.


Councillor T Page commented on EHPI 197, in reference to the local biodiversity.  He referred to the importance of better wildlife management in East Herts and it was suggested that Environment Scrutiny Committee might wish to review this indicator and the topic in more detail during the coming year.  Councillor J Mayes referred to the importance of the prompt removal of fly tips, and was pleased with the excellent performance in the prompt removal of abandoned vehicles.


In response to a comment from Councillor J Ranger regarding an under spend in respect of certain economic development activity, the Director of Finance and Support Services advised that any under spend would be carried forward as part of the process of closing the accounts in 2012/13.


The Committee received the report.


RESOLVED – that (A) the report be received;


(B)   the Corporate Business Scrutiny Committee supported the inclusion of performance indicators for the new ICT service within the Monthly Corporate Healthcheck it receives.

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