Issue - meetings

Service Estimates - Probable Outturn for 2012/13, Revenue Budget 2013/14

Meeting: 20/02/2013 - Council (Item 607)

Service Estimates - Probable Outturn for 2012/13, Revenue Budget 2013/14

Additional documents:


In response to a question from Councillor M Wood, the Executive Member for Health, Housing and Community Support provided reassurance that there would be flexibility in respect of community planning and community engagement grants and that she would speak to Officers.


RESOLVED – that (A) the comments of the Joint Scrutiny Committees of 15 January 2013 be received;


(B)      the probable Revenue Estimates for 2011/12 and the draft Revenue Estimates for 2012/13, as now submitted, be approved, subject to the amendment of budget code CCC8, as now detailed; and


(C)      further consideration be given to reviewing the use of capital salaries in light of the changing balance between capital and revenue budgets.

Meeting: 05/02/2013 - Executive (Item 578)

578 Service Estimates - Revenue Budget Probable 2012/13 - Estimate 2013/14 pdf icon PDF 59 KB

Additional documents:


The Executive Member for Finance submitted a report on the service estimates.  The joint meeting of Scrutiny Committees, at their meeting held on 15 January 2013, had supported the proposals and also commented that the use of capital salaries should be reviewed in light of the changing balance between capital and revenue budgets.  The Executive Member commented that discussions with Officers on this matter were ongoing and that further opportunities would be reviewed.


The Executive Member advised of an error in the capital financing figures quoted in paragraph 2.14 of the report submitted, in that they were millions and not thousands.


In response to comments by the Executive Member for Health, Housing and Community Support on the valuable work of volunteers, the Executive Member for Finance proposed an amendment to the 2013/14 estimate for budget code CCC8 – Revenue Contributions & Grants to Voluntary Bodies, by increasing the amount from £10,040 to £20,000.


The Executive supported the proposals now detailed.


RECOMMENDED – that (A) the comments of the Joint Scrutiny Committees of 15 January 2013 be received;


(B)      the probable Revenue Estimates for 2011/12 and the draft Revenue Estimates for 2012/13, as now submitted, be approved, subject to the amendment of budget code CCC8, as now detailed; and


(C)      further consideration be given to reviewing the use of capital salaries in light of the changing balance between capital and revenue budgets.


Meeting: 15/01/2013 - Joint Meeting of Scrutiny Committees (Item 542)

542 Service Estimates - Revenue Budget Probable 2012/13 - Estimate 2013/14 pdf icon PDF 57 KB

Additional documents:


The Executive Member for Finance submitted a report that set out proposals for the Council’s Service Estimates for 2012/13 (Revised) and the 2013/14 Estimates.  The Director of Finance and Support Services advised that the reference to Essential Reference Papers in the recommendation should have read Essential Reference Paper ‘B1’ and Essential Reference Paper ‘B2’.


Councillor J Ranger referred to the salary estimates for 2013/14, as detailed in paragraph 2.5 of the report now submitted.  He emphasised that if the possible 1% pay award was skewed towards the lowest paid in the workforce, the situation may not be as simple as portrayed in the report.


Councillor N Symonds referred to Community Safety and commented on whether East Herts Council should increase funding for PCSOs as the work of these Officers was excellent in steering people away from crime.


The Executive Member for Finance stated that the issue for Members was whether the Authority should step in to fund PCSOs that had previously been funded from elsewhere.  Members were reminded that the PCSO provision was ultimately the responsibility of the new Police and Crime Commissioner.  The Chairman stated that the new Commissioner had agreed to attend the June meeting of the Community Scrutiny Committee but his 2013/14 budget and plans would be discussed at Community Scrutiny Committee at its March meeting.


In response to a query from Councillor R Beeching regarding the alternative financial model regarding recycling, the Chief Executive and Director of Customer and Community Services provided an explanation of the current status of the financial model.


Councillor E Buckmaster commented on the low operational performance of the parking enforcement contract.  The Chief Executive and Director of Customer and Community Services explained some of the constraints the Authority was bound by in terms of parking enforcement.  Members were advised that the £86,000 underspend had occurred as the mobile camera enforcement and vehicle removals policies had not yet gone into operation so had not incurred any operational costs this financial year.


Councillor J Ranger suggested that the Executive should be informed that the joint meeting of Scrutiny Committees considered that the policy in respect of the use of capital salaries should be reviewed in light of the changing balance between capital and revenue budgets.  This was agreed by the joint meeting.  Members also resolved to inform the Executive that the joint meeting of Scrutiny Committees had supported the probable revenue budget for 2012/13 as well as the estimates for 2013/14.


RESOLVED – that the Executive be informed that the joint meeting of Scrutiny Committees (A) support the probable revenue budget for 2012/13 as well as the estimates for 2013/14; and


(B)   considered that the policy in respect of the use of capital salaries should be reviewed in light of the changing balance between capital and revenue budgets.