Issue - meetings

Freedom of Information

Meeting: 21/08/2012 - Corporate Business Scrutiny Committee (Item 259)

259 Freedom of Information pdf icon PDF 42 KB

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The Head of Customer Services submitted a report detailing a summary of the Freedom of Information (FOI) requests received by the Council and also providing an indication of the costs of managing them.


The Information Manager advised Members that this report followed the update that was submitted in May 2011.  Members were referred to the Essential Reference Papers for an overview of the current situation regarding FOI requests.


Members were advised that the most FOI requests related to a number of sections, these being Human Resources, Contract Services, Democratic and Legal Support Services, Accountancy and Revenues and Benefits.


The Information Manager advised that the Authority had 20 days to respond to an FOI request and the Council had no authority to enquire as to the capacity of the person making the request or their reasons for seeking the information.


Members were further advised that a new system had gone live in June 2012 for the management of FOI requests.  Officers hoped that the average cost of managing each request would fall to £26.56 resulting in total efficiency savings of £11,000 in handling FOI requests.


The Chairman reminded Members that the Authority was obliged to disclose any information that was held in respect of any aspect of Council business subject to compliance with the Data Protection Act.  In response to a query from Councillor M Wood, Members were advised that a name and address was required from the person making the request.  The Authority was not permitted however, to seek a business name or seek to ascertain the place of work for the person making the request.


The Information Manager gave a short presentation detailing an overview of how the new FOI system worked.  Members were advised that many aspects of the system were automated and saved Officers time when overseeing the management of FOI requests.


In response to a query from Councillor J Ranger, Members were advised that the number of FOI requests was increasing year on year and the actual time spent per request was reducing due to the new system.  In response to a query from Councillor G Jones, Members were advised that there were no particular peak periods for FOI requests in a typical year.


Members received the report.


RESOLVED – that the report be received.