Meeting documents

Wednesday 29th September, 2004

Meeting: Council
Venue: Council Chamber, Wallfields, Hertford
Time: 7.30 pm


1. To approve as a correct record and authorise the Chairman to sign the Minutes of the Council meeting held on pdf icon 28 July 2004 [55kb].

2. To receive any announcements which the Chairman may wish to make.

3. To receive any Members' declarations of interest.

4. To receive any petitions.

5. To receive any public questions.

6. To receive any Members' questions.

7*. To receive a report from the Leader of the Council, and where necessary, approve the Minutes of the Executive meetings held on:

(A) pdf icon 17 August 2004 [51kb] (pdf icon Appendix [38kb])

(B) pdf icon 14 September 2004 [48kb] (pdf icon Appendix [41kb])

8. To receive, and where necessary approve, the Minutes of the following Committees:

(A) Development Control Committee - 21 July 2004
Chairman: Councillor R Gilbert

(B) Development Control Committee - 18 August 2004
Chairman: Councillor R Gilbert

(C) Licensing Committee - pdf icon 1 September 2004 [13kb]
Chairman: Councillor M P A McMullen

(D) Performance Scrutiny Committee - pdf icon 7 September 2004 [33kb]
Chairman: Councillor D L E Hollebon

(E) Development Control Committee - 15 September 2004
Chairman: Councillor R Gilbert

(F) Policy Development Scrutiny Committee - pdf icon 21 September 2004 [17kb]
Chairman: Councillor J O Ranger

9. To consider a report by the Monitoring Officer entitled pdf icon 'Amendments to Constitution - Financial Regulations and Rural Plot Sales' [13kb].

10. To consider Motions on Notice.

(A) Grass-cutting and Highways Grounds Maintenance

'This Council acknowledges that the standard of grass cutting and highway grounds maintenance across the District this year has been poor. The Council has already taken steps to improve the situation and resolves to take all necessary measures to ensure that a much higher standard is achieved next year.'

Proposed by Councillor Mrs M H Goldspink and seconded by Councillor M Wood.