Title: Executive Member for Planning and Growth
Party: Green Party
Ward: Hertford Kingsmead
Other councillors representing this Ward:
Parish: Hertford - Kingsmead East ; Hertford Kingsmead - West
Correspondence address:
c/o Wallfields
Pegs Lane
SG13 8EQ
Email: vicky.glover-ward@eastherts.gov.uk
Download Councillor Vicky Glover-Ward contact details as VCard
Vicky is a Chartered mechanical engineer who has been practicing in Facilities Management and construction for over 30 years. She specialises in contract management, performance improvement and works as an Expert Witness/Advisor on contentious issues. This involves identifying and implementing cost saving initiatives, particularly with respect to Helpdesk improvements, energy efficiency and smart working.
A Hertford resident since 2005, Vicky has been a keen member and is now organiser for the Hertford Foodswap, spent two years as chair of Kingsmead Residents Association and is chair of the Kingsmead Neighbourhood Plan (KNP). The initial plan was passed by referendum in May 2023 but will require ongoing work to achieve the Action Plan.
Vicky is passionate about improving communities. Preferred initiatives include promoting local shopping along with upgrading services by implementing the 20 minute neighbourhood; this aims to reduce traffic congestion by localisation coupled with easier sustainable travel options while providing community hubs.