Outside body

Stansted Airport Advisory Committee


Provides community consultation in regard to the workings of Stansted Airport.  Its specific terms of reference are:


1.           To consider, scrutinise and advise on matters primarily concerning the management and administration of the Airport.

2.           To consider the impact of the Airport on the local community, the economy and the environment.

3.           To consider matters affecting the experience of Airport users including in particular passengers.

4.           To consider the corporate affairs of the Airport.

5.           To promote an informed understanding of airport operations and of their impact on communities of interest.

6.           To consider matters specifically referred by interests represented on the Committee, by the management of the Airport or by the Government.

7.           To share ideas and consider best practice from other airports and organisations.

8.           To liaise with other Airport Consultative Committees on matters of common concern.

9.           To make representations to the Government and other organisations as appropriate.

10.    To take any action incidental to any of the above terms of reference, including co-options, the establishment of Working Groups and nominations to Outside Bodies.

Contact information

Danile Turpin

Our representatives