Meeting: Wednesday 10th April, 2024 7.00 pm - Development Management Committee
5b 3/19/0790/OUT - Outline Application for up to 342 residential dwellings (of a range of size and type) together with associated access, parking, public open space and amenity space. Access and Scale to be determined (Layout, Appearance and Landscaping reserved for future determination) at (HERT3) Archers Spring, Land North Of Welwyn Road, Hertford
- Councillor Maura Connolly - Non Pecuniary Interest (NPI) - Councillor Connolly declared a personal interest in application 3/19/0790/OUT, on the grounds that she was a Member of Hertford Town Council, and she had been present at a meeting in September 2023 when Archers Spring was discussed. She had commented on the application at that meeting, but this had not influenced her in the determination of this application today.
Meeting: Wednesday 23rd October, 2024 7.00 pm - Development Management Committee
5a 3/24/0824/HH - Rear Outhouse at 1 Mangrove Drive, Hertford, Hertfordshire, SG13 8AW
- Councillor Steven Watson - Non Pecuniary Interest (NPI) - Councillor Watson declared a personal interest under the Council’s Code of Conduct in respect of application 3/24/0824/HH, on the grounds that he was also a Member of Hertford Town Council and sat on the Planning Sub-Committee, which had made representations about this Application. He confirmed that he had not pre-determined the application, and could consider the application with an open mind based on its merits.
Meeting: Wednesday 4th December, 2024 7.00 pm - Development Management Committee
5a 3/23/2062/FUL - Partial change of use from Class E use into Sui Generis to allow for Live entertainment with the sale of alcohol and Hot Food. Installation of air source heat pump, erection of rear canopy, screen fence, external flue, and external seating area at 28 Knight Street, Sawbridgeworth, Hertfordshire, CM21 9AT
- Councillor Ruth Buckmaster - Non Pecuniary Interest (NPI) - Councillor Buckmaster declared a personal interest in application 3/23/2062/FUL, on the grounds that she was a Member of Sawbridgeworth Town Council. She said that she was able to determine the application with an open mind.