The road closures are to support public safety
during the Christmas Eve carol event on Fair Green,
The event organiser has provided a risk assessment which will be
reviewed by partners of the East Herts Safety Advisory Group.
Emergency access to properties in the roads referred to above will
continue to be maintained.
Tommy Clee, Assistant Network Manager, HCC Highways confirmed that
no road maintenance has been scheduled during this time.
This decision is being made by the Head of Housing and Health under
authority delegated at paragraph 10.16.31 of the council's
Constitution 'To determine road closure applications under the Town
Police Clauses Act 1847'.
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 22/10/2024
Decision due: 15 Oct 2024 by Head of Housing and Health
Contact: Julie Pomfrett Email: