Issue details

Draft - Thriving Together 2023 - 2027 - a new health and wellbeing plan for East Herts

The plan will be about promoting the healthy lifestyles and community wellbeing and sustainability of the East Herts district, working with organisations, partner and residents to achieve this

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Affects two or more Wards;

Decision status: Recommmend Forward to Council

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 08/11/2023

Decision due: 13 Feb 2024 by Executive

Lead member: Executive Member for Wellbeing

Lead director: Head of Housing and Health

Contact: Simon Barfoot, Healthy Lifestyles Programme Officer Email:

Agenda items


  • Draft - Thriving Together 2023 - 2027 - a new health and wellbeing plan for East Herts