Issue details

Castle Park Improvement Project –match funding contribution via optioned sale of final community centre

The Castle Park project within the Council’s capital programme is delivering improvements to the areas known as Sworder’s Field and Waytemore Castle Gardens. The partnership work with stakeholders including Bishop’s Stortford Council and the National Lottery Heritage Fund (NLHF) means that the project has been funded through a variety of organisations including East Herts District Council. Additional funds have been raised after cost increases relating to the Pandemic and Brexit following significant increase in materials and construction costs and then an unforeseen subsidence issue. A solution was agreed to secure the funding gap by selling some
assets (Community centres) to one of the partner organisations, Bishop’s Stortford Town Council as part of an Options Agreement. The last of three community centres is now due to be sold. Capital receipts are required from this sale to secure the final stages of the project after further additional costs relating to unexpected archaeology, deterioration of a repurposed building and environmental pressures.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: For Determination

Wards affected: Bishop's Stortford North; Bishop's Stortford Parsonage;

Notice of proposed decision first published: 07/07/2023

Decision due: 5 Sep 2023 by Executive

Lead member: Executive Member for Financial Sustainability

Lead director: Head of Operations

Contact: Ian Sharratt, The Leisure and Parks Development Manager Email:


Agenda items


  • Castle Park Improvement Project –match funding contribution via optioned sale of final community centre