Issue details

H&S Annual Report 2022/2023 including Q4 summary

The report provides an update on Health and Safety (H&S) for the annual period as well as the 22/23 Q4 accident data. The report provides an executive summary, sets out accidents across the period with comparison to the previous year and quarter. The report provides health and safety updates for the annual period on Contracts, Capital Projects, Premises and Sites, Parks, Open Spaces and Play Areas, Lone Working, Office changes re Blended Working and H&S Learning and Development.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: For Determination

Decision due: 21 Jun 2023 by Human Resources Committee

Lead director: Head of Human Resources and Organisation Development

Contact: Simon O'Hear, Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development Email: simon.o'

Agenda items


  • H&S Annual Report 2022/2023 including Q4 summary