ePetition details

Protect Bengeo Field landscape and return it to Green Belt

We the undersigned petition the Council to protect Bengeo Field from further housing development and return this beautiful landscape to Green Belt. We request that any planning decisions are put on hold and the full consultation on reinstating the Green Belt takes place.

Bengeo Field spreads alongside Wadesmill Road and Sacombe Road just on the edge of Hertford and is much loved and utilised by local residents. There is very strong local objection to further development in Bengeo Field and we are asking EHDC Councillors and planners to take into account our concerns.

This land was designated as green belt. It was removed from green belt protection on the assumption that, after minerals had been extracted, the landscape quality would have deteriorated and this reduced quality would then make it acceptable for residential development.

The minerals plan enquiry, approved by the Secretary of State, determined that the landscape of Bengeo Field was of exceptionally high value and was the primary grounds for rejection of the minerals extraction application.

This was not fully taken into account in the Local Plan inspection when the green belt designation was changed without any specific public consultation. We request that any planning decisions are put on hold and the full consultation on reinstating the Green Belt takes place.

This ePetition ran from 16/09/2023 to 19/11/2023 and has now finished.

305 people signed this ePetition.