Issue - decisions

Action Plan to support the East Herts Housing Strategy

05/09/2012 - Housing Strategy Action Plan 2012 - 2015

The Executive Member for Health, Housing and Community Support Community submitted a report setting out the action plan for the Council’s new Housing Strategy for 2012/15, the detail of which was set out in the report now submitted.  The Housing Services Manager referred Members to Essential Reference Paper “B” of the report now submitted, which set out the three key responsibilities for Housing Associations in relation to the Housing Strategy.


Councillor C Woodward referred to Objective 3 (Meeting the needs of vulnerable people and stronger communities) and suggested that the Council needed to impart a stronger emphasis on this issue, particularly in relation to the needs of the Armed Forces.  The Housing Services Manager stated that the Council was aware of the needs of Armed Forces personnel and was doing all it could.  Officers would continue to use their discretion in this capacity.  She explained that without the force of legislation, the Council’s role was limited.


Councillor G McAndrew empathised with personnel who left the force and were suddenly faced with the need to find a home, a job, doctors and schools.  He stated that anything the Council could do to make things easier for Armed Forces personnel should be done.  The Housing Services Manager added that the Forces’ own housing advice was very good.


The Committee supported the Housing Strategy 2012/15 and Action Plan and requested that the Executive be asked to support the Action Plan alongside the main Housing Strategy document.  Members also agreed that they be provided with an Annual Report on the progress of the Action Plan each September, or on whatever date was considered most expeditious.


RESOLVED – that (A) the Housing Strategy 2012/15 and Action Plan be supported together with Members’ comments and the Executive be asked to support the Action Plan alongside the main Housing Strategy document; and


(B)       Community Scrutiny Committee be provided with an Annual Report on the progress of the Action Plan each September, or on whatever date was considered to be most expeditious.