Issue - decisions

Consolidated Budget Report and 2012/13 - 2015/16 Medium Term Financial Strategy

28/02/2012 - Consolidated Budget Report and 2012/13 - 2015/16 Medium Term Financial Strategy

The Leader referred to proposed amendments as indicated by the Executive Member for Finance in his budget presentation (see Minute XXX above).  These related to deleting the proposed saving on Police and Community Safety Officers (PCSOs) at a cost of £46k and extending the freeze on car parking charges until April 2013 at a cost of £39k.  These proposals, if accepted, would require the planning contingency to be reduced by £85k as well requiring consequent adjustments to the Medium Term Financial Plan.


Councillor M Wood referred to leaf clearance and expressed concern that reductions would impact on the elderly in particular.


The Leader responded by referring to the joint meeting of Scrutiny Committees which had recommended that Officers should explore partnership approaches to this issue.  He believed this was the correct approach and that Officers should continue to monitor the situation.


Council approved the proposals as now amended.


RESOLVED - that (A) the comments and proposals of the Joint Scrutiny Committees of 17 January 2012, be received;


(B)      the probable outturn for 2011/12 be approved and any variation at outturn showing an improved position against the £13k under spending reported be put to the interest equalisation reserve;


(C)      the revenue budget for 2012/13 be approved as submitted, subject to the following adjustments:


(1)       the proposed saving in respect of PCSOs  be deleted at a cost of £46,000;


(2)       there be no increase in car parking fees before 1 April 2013 at a cost of £39,000;


(3)       the planning contingency be reduced by an offsetting £85,000;


(4)       the remaining planning contingency of £740,000 be taken to the interest equalisation reserve


(D)      the Medium Term Financial Plan to 2015/16, be approved as submitted, subject to adjustment in each year from 2013/14 – 2015/16 as follows:


(1)       expenditure be increased by £46,000 as a consequence of not making the PCSO savings;


(2)       income be reduced by £79,000 as a consequence of not increasing car parking fees in 2012/13;


(3)       planning contingency sums be reduced by £125,000 in each year; and


(E)      there be no increase in council tax for 2012/13 and, in the absence of government making currently unplanned reductions in local authority funding, there be no increase in 2013/14.