Issue - decisions

Work Programme 2011/12

21/06/2011 - Scrutiny Work Programme 2011/12

The Committee considered items for scrutiny during the Civic Year 2011/12 and additional items for inclusion within the Committee’s Work Programme.  These were set out in the report now submitted.


The Scrutiny Officer advised that the work programme contained issues that were chosen and agreed at the previous meeting of the Committee in March 2011.  There had been a few changes to the work programme since that meeting to take account of the budget setting process.


Members were referred to the material in the work programme that had been highlighted in green, as those issues that were within the remit of the Committee.  Members were asked to pay particular attention to the specific issues from the Medium Term Financial Plan and capital programme that had been highlighted in the report now submitted.


The Scrutiny Officer sought the Committee’s views on any items in the work programme that needed clarifying.  Members were asked to inform the Director of Customer and Community Services of any financial items in need of clarification within the next couple of weeks.


In reference to paragraph 2.4 of the report now submitted, the Scrutiny Officer stated that there had been interest in carrying out some detailed work in respect of Environmental Crime Policy.


The Head of Environmental Services advised Members that, when this was proposed last year, Officers had not anticipated the extent of the Government’s review of anti-social behaviour legislation and its significant impact on and overlap with Environmental Crime.  Officers considered it appropriate to await clarity on the legislative position in respect of Environmental Crime before undertaking this piece of work.  This was agreed.


Members approved the Committee’s Work Programme as now submitted with the addition of the task and finish group to work on the policy development for Transport and Parking and the delay in the group to review Environmental Crime policy.


RESOLVED – that the work programme be approved.