Issue - decisions

Review of the LSP's Delivery of the Sustainable Communities Strategy

30/03/2011 -

The Head of Community and Customer Services submitted a report updating Members about “Everyone Matters” – A Sustainable Community Strategy (SCS) for East Herts 2009 – 2024 together with an Action/Delivery Plan. 


It was noted that the Action Plan contained 72 activities/projects within key themes which were set out in the Essential Reference Paper, attached to the report now submitted.  Members’ comments were sought on the proposed Action Plan which would be submitted to the Local Strategic Partnership Board, for further consideration. 


The Director of Customer and Community Services reminded Members that the Sustainable Community Strategy (SCS) was a partnership document, which had brought positive benefits to the people in East Herts. 


The Chairman referred Members to the Action Plan.  Members made the following comments:


·              Reduce levels of acquisitive crime in the district though joint working with partners and engagement with the community:


Councillors A D Dodd and S A Bull referred to the important role of public meetings like Community Voice in engaging with the public.  Councillor E Buckmaster stated that the Sawbridgeworth Community Voice was well supported.


·              Furniture Re-Use Project:


Councillor A D Dodd stated that a lot of furniture was not acceptable because it might not comply with fire regulations and it was important for the scheme to avoid getting ‘overloaded’ with items it could not use.


·              Village Hall Broadband Project:


Councillor E Buckmaster referred to a scheme operated by Swindon Council.  He undertook to provide the Director of Customer and Community Services with the information.


·              Apprenticeship opportunities:


The Chairman queried the Council’s role in providing apprenticeship opportunities.  The Director advised that the Council already had a trainee Personal Assistant, and an apprentice would shortly be commencing employment at Hertford Theatre.  The Director stated that the Council had written to its main contractors advising them of the benefits of using apprentices.  The Chairman asked whether it would be possible to establish whether these third parties had taken advantage of the Apprenticeship Scheme.  The Director of Customer and Community Services undertook to investigate and advise Members. 


·              Broxbourne Health Shuttle:


The Chairman referred to the Broxbourne Health Shuttle and the need to think about a similar scheme in other areas and referred to the use of a mini bus around Bishop’s Stortford so that residents could access hospitals.  It was acknowledged that some areas were not commercially viable to some mini-bus providers and that the community should step in to fill this gap.


·              Learning Partnership Target aimed at residents in Sele and Havers Estates:


The Chairman referred to the need to obtain up to date ward profiles.  The Scrutiny Officer advised that this was in hand and new ward profiles would be part of the information pack for every councillor elected in May. 


·              Working with Jobcentre Plus and their Contractors:


The Director of Customer and Community Services advised Members that the Jobcentre had been offered the use of office space in Charringtons House, but had not taken this up. 


·              Working with HCC to promote modal shift through better signage of cycle and walking routes:


Councillor A D Dodd raised concerns about the Sustrans decision to have a cycle route through from Harlow to Bishop’s Stortford which was not then actioned as part of the route was considered inappropriate.  Councillor A D Dodd also expressed his concern regarding the excessive amount of old street signs and unused posts and that this clutter should be reduced.  The Chairman agreed that this was something which needed to be considered with its Partners.


·              Pursue offer from NHS and HCC for a co-funded officer to co-ordinate on transport arrangements to hospitals, etc:


Councillor S A Bull referred to the fact that many people were not advised of what help they could secure to and from hospitals.  He said that some GP’s offered transport services to patients but some did not and that there needed to be consistency in the way eligibility was applied.


·              Develop “Friends of …..” groups to help manage our principal parks and open spaces:


Councillor A D Dodd referred to Pishiobury Park and the fact that the local Sawbridgeworth Scouts’ group were unable to find a base.  He suggested that the southern end of the park could offer a suitable base for the Scouts to establish a hut.  Councillor E Buckmaster advised that the Scouts were currently negotiating with a landowner and that they may no longer be looking for a base.  The Chairman suggested that Officers make contact with Southern Country Park to see what could be done.


·              Develop a Sports and Active Recreation Facilities Strategy and audit in partnership with Sport England:


The Chairman advised that this had been completed in other places and the East of England had liked it so much they intended to use the arrangement throughout England.  Members supported its inclusion of this issue on the Community Scrutiny work programme for the June 2011 meeting.


The Director of Customer and Community Services reminded Members of the financial constraints placed on the Council in terms of reduced Government funding and how this would impact on the provision of its services.


Members received the report and asked that their comments be forwarded to the Local Strategic Partnership (LSP) Board, where appropriate.


RESOLVED – that the report be received and that Members’ comments be forwarded to the Local Strategic Partnership Board.