Issue - decisions

Monthly Corporate Healthcheck - January 2011

10/02/2011 - Monthly Corporate Healthcheck - January 2011

RESOLVED – that (A) the budgetary variances set out in paragraph 2.2 of the report be noted;


(B)     in respect of NI 181, the unavailability of December 2010 performance data due to data not been released by DWP, be noted;


(C)    a request for a supplementary estimate of £19,600 to modify car park Pay and Display machines to accept new 5p and 10p coins that come into circulation in April 2011, be approved;


(D)    £36k of the works at the Southern Country Park scheme capital budget be re-profiled from 2010/11 into 2011/12;


(E)     £95,800 of the plastic bottle and can sorting/bailing equipment capital budget be re-profiled from 2010/11 into 2011/12; and


(F)     a supplementary estimate of £80k in 2010/11 in respect of  Decent Homes Grants be approved, to be funded by bringing forward this sum from the 2011/12 programme in order  to offset some of the slippage on the programme.