Issue - decisions

Draft Capital Strategy and Minimum Revenue Provision Policy 2023/24 Onwards and Draft Strategic Asset Management Plan

08/12/2022 - Draft Capital Strategy and Minimum Revenue Provision Policy 2023/24 Onwards and Draft Strategic Asset Management Plan

(A) That the Draft Capital Strategy and Minimum Revenue Provision policy 2023/24 onwards for scrutiny by Audit & Governance Committee be approved; and


(B) That the principle of selling assets to raise capital receipts to reduce the revenue costs of the capital and authorise officers to prepare an initial list and marketing strategy for assets for sale for approval by Executive be endorsed.


(C) To authorise the Head of Strategic Finance & Property, in consultation with the Executive Member for Financial Sustainability, to make any changes to these documents as are necessary to reflect the impact of the local government finance settlement and other emerging information, such as the impact of the business rates revaluation, so that Audit and Governance Committee can scrutinise the most up to date financial position.