Issue - decisions

Proposed Changes to Scrutiny

17/03/2017 - Proposed Changes to Scrutiny

The Chief Executive submitted a report seeking approval for changes to the way in which the Council undertook scrutiny, in order to deliver high quality and value for money scrutiny.


Council considered the detail of the proposed changes and noted the comments of the joint meeting of scrutiny committees held on 14 February 2017.  Two key proposals relating to the way scrutiny work plans were set and the number of scrutiny committees were detailed, as were various other recommendations at paragraph 3.17 of the report submitted.  Members also noted the proposals relating to the establishment of a Community Wellbeing Forum.


Council approved the recommendations now detailed.


RESOLVED – that (A) the new scrutiny arrangements, as now detailed, including the two key proposals of:


·                        improving the way scrutiny work plans are set; and

·                        reducing the number of scrutiny Committees from five to two,


be approved and implemented from May 2017;


(B)      the further proposals for ways to improve scrutiny, as detailed in paragraph 3.17 of the report, be noted;


(C)      the plans to set up a Community Wellbeing Forum, as detailed in paragraph 3.19 of the report, be noted.