In response to a comment from Councillor J Wyllie, the Executive Member for Economic Development stated that the recommendation, if approved, would reduce the level of discount available on empty properties and so encourage their occupation.
RESOLVED – that (A) the recommendations of the Corporate Business Scrutiny Committee be received;
(B) the addition of a 50% Council Tax premium on properties which have been empty for 2 or more years, be approved;
(C) changing the period or percentage of relief granted to properties which are classified as empty and uninhabitable from 50% for up to 12 months to a period not exceeding 6 months at 50%, be approved; and
(D) changing the period or percentage of relief granted to properties which are classified as empty and substantially unfurnished from a period of up to 6 months at 50% to a period not exceeding 2 months at 50%, be approved.
(Note – Councillors M Casey, L Haysey, G McAndrew, M Pope and G Williamson left the chamber whilst this matter was considered – see Minute 175)
(see also Minute 177)