Issue - decisions

Annual Review of the Constitution

07/06/2016 - Annual Review of the Constitution

The Chief Executive submitted a report presenting the annual review of the Council’s Constitution.  She explained that a number of significant changes had been proposed as a result of:


·        the implementation of the new senior management structure;

·        statutory changes;

·        updating the policy framework;

·        consequential changes that had been made during the past year;

·        revised delegations to Officers and Proper Officer functions;

·        the new Members’ Allowances Scheme agreed in February 2016; and

·        the changes agreed earlier in respect of Audit and Standards arrangements.


The Chief Executive apologised for the formatting and typographical errors within the document and undertook to ensure that these would be dealt with in the final published document.  She also referred to the new Audit and Governance Committee and its role in reviewing the Constitution in future.


Councillor M Pope commented that the Constitution should be an accessible document which enabled residents to understand how the Council worked and how they could become involved.  To this end, he proposed, and Councillor L Haysey seconded, an additional recommendation that the Audit and Governance Committee carry out a further review of the Constitution with that focus, to report back to a future meeting on a document that was both up to date and easy to use. 


Council approved the revised recommendations as now detailed.


RESOLVED that (A) the revised Constitution, as now submitted, for the civic year 2016-17, be approved;


(B)      the specific changes set out in paragraphs 3 to 7 of the report submitted, be approved;


(C)      the revised Constitution be referred to the Executive for approval of changes relating to Executive Functions; and


(D)      the Audit and Governance Committee be requested to carry out a further review of the Constitution and to report back to a future meeting on a document that was both up to date and easy to use.