Issue - decisions

Revised Environmental Crime Policy and Public Space Protection Orders

16/03/2016 - Revised Environmental Crime Policy and Public Space Protection Orders

Council considered a report seeking approval for a new Environmental Crime Enforcement Policy, which also sought the making of the Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO).  The Head of Environmental Services explained the consultation process that had been undertaken during which over 300 comments had been received.  These had been summarised in Essential Reference Paper ‘D’ of the report submitted and he referred specifically to the concerns of residents present at the meeting, namely relating to dogs of a nervous disposition and the control of dogs off their leads.  He advised that, if agreed, the proposed Public Space Protection Orders would be kept under review and could be amended or added to with experience, or if new circumstances came to light.


The Executive Member for Environment and the Public Space thanked the Chairman for accepting this item onto the agenda as an urgent matter and explained that it was intended to implement the proposals by 1 May 2016.  He emphasised that for a period of three months after the introduction of the PSPO, Officers would use their discretion and adopt an informal and educational approach to the enforcement of the new legislation.


In response to Members’ comments and questions, the Executive Member accepted an amendment to Essential Reference Paper ‘C’ to the effect that the other obligations listed at paragraphs 8 – 11 would only be enforced by a police officer.  It was also agreed to amend paragraph 8 so that it referred to mechanically propelled devices as well as vehicles.


Council approved the proposals as now detailed.


RESOLVED – that (A) the Environmental Crime Enforcement Policy, as set outin Essential Reference Paper ‘B’, be approved; and


(B)      having regard to the conditions within section 59 of the Antisocial Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014, the Public Spaces Protection Order, as set out at Essential Reference Paper ‘C’ of the report submitted and as now amended, be made, to provide new and enhanced powers to tackle dog fouling and other forms of anti-social behaviour.