Issue - decisions

Hertford Theatre Capital

01/08/2013 - Hertford Theatre Capital

Councillor M Wood commented on whether the Authority and Hertford Theatre intended to consult with the Rhodes Arts Complex in respect of the improvements that were funded by East Herts Council, particular in respect of the retractable seating.  He also stated that he was pleased the Authority was investing in the lighting, audio and technical equipment at Hertford Theatre.


The Leader stated that he hoped that Officers would be consulting with the Rhodes Arts Complex so that they were mindful of the experience gained of investing in the facilities there.


Council approved the recommendation now detailed.


RESOLVED– that (A) £64,500 be added to the Capital Programme for essential upgrades to audio, lighting and technical equipment at Hertford Theatre as specified in Essential Reference Paper ‘C’ of the report submitted; and


(B)   in respect of upgrading the seating in the auditorium at Hertford Theatre, a further report be submitted following the tendering process.