Issue - decisions

Final Task and Finish report on Review of Grounds Maintenance Contract

24/12/2012 - Final Task and Finish report on Review of Grounds Maintenance Contract (Parks Open Spaces and Highways)

The Executive Member for Community Safety and Environment referred to the original report considered by Environment Scrutiny Committee and the Executive and advised of some errors relating to the contract period dates.  He advised that contrary to the report, the current contract period was January 2008 – December 2014 and not January 2007 – December 2013.  Therefore, the proposed extension period would commence in January 2015.  He corrected all of the erroneous dates in the report.


RESOLVED – that (A) the comments of the Environment Scrutiny Committee as detailed in the report submitted, be received; and


(B)      taking into account the risks of a longer period against the greater financial benefits, and in the context of the Council’s Medium Term Financial Plan objectives, the current grounds maintenance contract be extended for a period of 5 years.