The Harlow and Gilston Garden Town (HGGT) Partner Authorities have agreed to establish a Joint Committee for the purposes of section 101 of the Local Government Act 1972 to co-ordinate and facilitate the delivery of 16,000 homes in the HGGT by 2033, and 7,000 homes in the years after that along with associated infrastructure.
The Joint Committee comprises of five (5) voting members, being one representative from each of the partner Councils. The Councils represented are Harlow District Council, Epping Forest District Council, East Herts District Council, Essex County Council and Hertfordshire County Council.
The Harlow and Gilston Garden Town Inter Authority Agreement, brings together the constitutional and contractual partnership arrangements between the partner authorities to meet the ambitions for democratic accountability and decision-making alongside formal arrangements for risk-sharing and clarity on responsibilities.
The Inter Authority Agreement is the legal document that sets out the services that the Host Authority Epping Forest District Council will provide to administer the Joint Committee and the Accountable Body responsibilities.
Agreement was attained by all 5 partners on 19th December 2023 and the deed executed on 4th April 2024.
The Accountable body; Epping Forest District Council publishes a notice for each Decision or decision to be made in private at least 28 days before that decision is made. The Harlow and Gilston Garden Town forward plan will be updated on a monthly rolling programme to coincide with the requirements of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012
The Harlow and Gilston Garden Town aims and key objectives are detailed in the HGGT Vision
For enquiries relating to the Forward Plan please contact the following officers:
· Kevin Steptoe – East Hertfordshire District Council -
· Adeola Pilgrim – Epping Forest District Council -
· Adrian Smith – Essex County Council-
· Amy Wright – Harlow District Council -
· Matthew Cottam – Hertfordshire County Council-
· Naisha Polaine – Harlow and Gilston Garden Town –
The forward plan document for the Harlow and Gilston Garden Town Joint Committee can be viewed online via the following page on the Epping Forest District Council website: