Committee details

Joint CCTV Executive

Purpose of committee

1.0      Purpose of the Board


1.1               To discuss and agree the strategic and policy issues relating to the jointly owned and operated CCTV Control and Monitoring service.


1.2               To deal with all matters defined under the CCTV ‘Code of Practice’ as the responsibility of the CCTV Executive Board.


1.3               To consider and approve expansion or contraction proposals for the CCTV Control Room, Network, and monitoring service.


1.4               To consider and agree changes to the CCTV ‘Code of Practice’.


1.5               To ensure the Independent inspection regime is set up and maintained.


1.6               To receive and approve the Independent Inspectors annual report.


1.7               To consider complaints regarding any breaches of the CCTV ‘Code of Practice’ and recommendations for preventing breaches. To recommend disciplinary action where appropriate.


2.0               Constitution of the Board


2.1               The CCTV Executive Board is constituted as a joint committee of the Councils, Executive Committee comprising of three elected members of each Authority.


2.2               Meeting shall be held at least one per annum or when there is sufficient business.


2.3               To make recommendations on any of the above to the Officer Management Board.


3.0               Quorum                                                                 


3.0.1   A Quorum shall be 3 members with at least one from each of the partner authorities.


3.1      Chairman


3.1.1   The Chairman shall be a member of the Authority hosting the meeting


3.2               Venue


3.2.1   The meetings shall be held alternatively at the offices of the partner authority


3.3               Procedural Matters


3.3.1   The meetings shall follow the normal Standing Orders of the hosting Authority.



Contact information

Support officer: Peter Mannings. Tel: (01279) 502174 Email: