Committee details

Human Resources Committee

Purpose of committee

The majority of the Committee’s functions are set out in Section eight of the Constitution (Other Committees). The Committee’s Terms of Reference are matters relating to:


(a)       Recruitment and retention;


(b)       Terms and conditions and benefits offered to officers;


(c)        Valuing diversity, with particular reference to achieving a workforce that is representative of our community and achieving a higher level of the equality standard;

(d)       Officer relations issues, including disputes;

(e)       HR services, including definition of processes and implementation of timetables;

(f)        Learning and development, with particular reference to developing officers to ensure that we have the relevant skills to achieve our corporate priorities;

(g)       Absence management;

(h)       The means by which officers’ performance should be managed, using performance development reviews (PDRs) and competencies and/or other processes as available;

(i)         The approval and implementation of new and revised HR policies as developed;

(j)         Consideration of current, future and potential initiatives and developments in HR thinking and best practice;

(k)        Overseeing the implementation and co-ordination of the Member training programme;

(l)         Acting as the council’s steering group to advise it in relation to the discharge of its responsibilities for health and safety by:


·      providing a focus for the consideration of health and safety matters;

·      monitoring the steps taken within the council to ensure the health and safety of its stakeholders; and

·             advising the authority of the steps that may be required to comply with regulations and codes of practice. (m) Head of Paid Service dismissal, grading, grievance and redundancy and early retirement pay (in line with national conditions and local procedures); and


(n)       All other matters relating to the employment of officers within the council, in accordance with the council’s procedures and delegated authorities.


Human Resources meetings are webcast – details can be found here.


Contact information

Support officer: Michele Aves. Tel: (01279) 502177 Email: