Agenda item

Bishop's Stortford North: Public Briefing


The Head of Planning and Building Control submitted a report inviting Members to consider the arrangements for the operation of a Public Briefing in respect of the proposals relating to Bishop’s Stortford North.


Members were advised that Officers would arrange a public briefing in respect of an outline planning application relating to ASR sites 1–4 at land referred to as Bishop’s Stortford North and other applications relating to the site.  This application was one of a number of applications that would be reported to a special meeting of the Committee in October 2013.


The Head of Planning and Building Control stated that it was anticipated that the event would be open to the public and would be chaired by the Chairman of the Development Management Committee.  An open invitation would also be extended to all District Councillors.  Officers anticipated that the Chairman and other nominated Members would put questions to the applicants, who would also be able to take questions from the public.


Councillor G Jones stated that he was, in principle, happy with the opportunity to question the developers on the proposals.  He stated however that the planned date of 13 June 2013 was not far away and two of the anticipated applications had not been submitted to Officers.  He sought clarification on a number of points of detail such as the opportunity for objectors to contribute and his concerns over questions being submitted in advance of the event.


Members were advised that Officers anticipated that objectors and other parties would be able to put questions to the developers.  Officers were keen to ensure the manageability of this event and Members might have views on the fine detail of these arrangements.  Members were advised that giving the questions in advance to the developers would give them the chance to formulate an informative response.


Councillor A Burlton commented on whether the event should be put back a few weeks to the middle of July to allow the other applications to be submitted and also to allow more time for questions to be formulated by all of the interested parties. 


Councillor M Newman stated that he was more than happy to endorse the Officers’ recommendations, subject to the date being later than was suggested by the Head of Planning and Building Control.  He stated that questions on the day, in addition to any that were submitted in advance, should not necessarily be excluded.


Councillors A Burlton and N Symonds stated that they would prefer the developers did not have the questions in advance, as the speakers that attended might be public relations experts rather than people who could give informative answers to the questions that were being asked.


After being put to the meeting and a vote taken, the Committee accepted the Director’s recommendations as now detailed.


RESOLVED – that (A), subject to a revised date being organised for July 2013, the arrangements for the operation of a Public Briefing to consider the development proposals relating to Bishop’s Stortford North be endorsed; and


(B)   final arrangements for the Briefing be delegated to the Head of Planning and Building Control to confirm in consultation with the Chairman of the Development Management Committee.

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