Agenda item

a) 3/12/1955/FP and b) 3/12/1956/LB – Demolition of the existing outbuildings and renovation of the former Victorian School. Development of the former school playground and outdoor space for 5no 4 bed dwellings and 2no 2 bed flats at Musley Infant School, Musley Hill, Ware, SG12 7NB for Musley Hill Development Ltd

A) 3/12/1955/FP – Recommended for Approval.

B) 3/12/1956/LB – Recommended for Approval.


John Douglas addressed the Committee in support of the application.


The Director of Neighbourhood Services recommended that, in respect of applications 3/12/1955/FP and 3/12/1956/LB, planning permission and listed building consent be granted subject to the conditions detailed in the report now submitted.


Councillor J Wing, as the local ward Member, commented that, whilst he had no issues with the need or plans to renovate the listed buildings at Musley Infant School, he did not believe this planning application was necessary to provide the funding for the renovation works.


Councillor Wing expressed concerns in respect of the impact of the applications on the local area, in particular the parking implications for the 3 surrounding roads, all of which were very heavily parked or were protected by yellow line restrictions. 


Councillor Wing stated that any development that put additional pressure on car parking was inappropriate in this area.  He stated that it was not uncommon for there to be barely 3 spaces available for parking on street, and often there were none.


Councillor Wing emphasised that this application must comply with the Authority’s maximum standards in respect of parking.  He also stated that buses often got into difficulties negotiating these roads due to illegal parking, and motorists dropping people off prior to parking elsewhere further exacerbated such situations.


Councillor Wing concluded that the site was unsuitable for use as a nursery as there was no protected safe outdoor play area and the site did not lend itself to the easy drop off and collection of children by car.  The Committee was urged to reject both applications on the grounds of overdevelopment and the adverse impact on the residents and the surrounding area.


The Director stated that, following the advice of the Solicitor, Officers had suggested a revised wording of condition 3 on the basis that none of the residential units shall be occupied unless and until the listed school building has been fully repaired and refurbished to the satisfaction of the local planning authority, in accordance with a scheme to be first submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority.


Councillor M Alexander stated that, whilst he would also like to see the listed building brought back into use, he could not support this application as it would result in unacceptable overdevelopment and the parking pressure was unacceptable.  He also expressed concerns regarding the safe dropping off of children visiting the day nursery.


In response to a query from Councillor Alexander, the Director confirmed that Officers could not seek section 106 contributions as this application was for less than 10 dwellings.  Councillor G Jones commented on the viability of the proposals covered by both the applications.


Councillor Mr Alexander proposed and Councillor S Bull seconded, a motion that applications 3/12/1955/FP and 3/12/1956/LB be deferred to enable Officers to consider whether the development was the minimum necessary to provide for the repair and restoration of the listed school building and to ensure that it would provide for a long term viable use of the listed building.


After being put to the meeting and a vote taken, this motion was declared CARRIED.  The Committee rejected the recommendation of the Director of Neighbourhood Services as now submitted.


RESOLVED – that in respect of applications 3/12/1955/FP and 3/12/1956/FP, planning permission be deferred to enable Officers to consider whether the development was the minimum necessary to provide for the repair and restoration of the listed school building and to ensure that it would provide for a long term viable use of the listed building.

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