Agenda item

Chairman's Announcements


The Chairman announced that there was one place available on a course at Westminster on 28 February 2014, “Maximising the Impact on Overview and Scrutiny”.  Any Member interested should contact the Scrutiny Officer.


The Chairman stated that Members were due to receive a report on the agenda this evening on temporary road closures and the associated timescales and application process.  This had not been possible as the Officer responsible had been involved with urgent flooding matters.  He apologised and intended to submit the report to the next meeting of Environment Scrutiny on 10 June 2014.


Councillor J Wyllie expressed his disappointment that the report was not on the agenda, stating that he had been trying to get the item on the agenda since last year and that its absence was “suspicious” and “disrespectful”.


The Chief Executive and Director of Customer and Community Services apologised on behalf of the Officer, adding that no disrespect had been intended and that he would ensure that the report would be presented to the next meeting. 


The Chairman asked the Chief Executive and Director of Customer and Community Services to provide a brief verbal update of the events relating to the flooding which had occurred earlier in the month.


The Chief Executive and Director of Customer and Community Services stated that the Council had responded well on the three critical days of flooding and had worked well with Emergency Services.  He stated that there were some lessons to be learned which Members had raised.


He summarised events.  After the downpour of the previous evening, on Friday morning, 7 February 2014, it had been clear that there had been significant flooding across the District and the Council had been alerted about flooding along the A120 and at Little Hadham.  Officers had attended the scene with Police and the Fire Service and helped organise a refuge in St Andrew’s School.  A reception centre had also been set up at the Charis Centre in Bishop’s Stortford, staffed by three Officers.  A First Incident Team meeting had been organised and attended by the Community Safety Officer and Emergency Services.  Locally, a wall had collapsed into a brook / culvert causing flooding.  Drainage contactors had been brought in to assist and along March Lane.


The Chief Executive and Director of Customer and Community Services referred to the closure of the M11 and M25 and the difficulties this had created in the District.  A meeting with the Incident Management Team had taken place at midday when it had been decided that refuges should be open for as long as necessary, including at Standon and Puckeridge and a full reception centre at Wodson Park, but that the Charis Centre, St Andrews and Standon should close. 


The Chief Executive and Director of Customer and Community Services referred to flooding at Hertingfordbury which had affected 7 people who either went on to stay with friends or their insurers provided a resolution to the problem.  He praised Social Services for their rapid response and the relief volunteers who had kept Wodson Park open all night. 


The Chief Executive and Director of Customer and Community Services referred to the Gold Group meetings which had taken place with the Police, the Council and Emergency Services when it had been agreed that Wodson Park could be closed, but that volunteers would be kept on “standby” for that weekend.  There had been concern about one evacuee but this issue had been resolved with Social Services’ intervention.  A further Gold Group meeting took place on the Sunday, by which time, the bad weather was heading in a westerly direction.


The Chief Executive and Director of Customer and Community Services stated that throughout the District, 26 residences and three businesses had been affected by the flooding and might be able to claim recompense for damage.  He stated that there had been some particular difficulties in terms of a Contact List and referred to the restrictions of Data Protection in giving out an individual’s personal telephone number, but said that Officers would consider how Members might be better prepared and equipped for future emergencies.


In response to a query from Councillor E Buckmaster regarding overcoming Data Protection issues by sending and asking for information via Twitter, the Chief Executive and Director of Customer and Community Services stated that few Officers were on Twitter.


Councillor P Ruffles referred to Hertford residents’ anxieties, where a lot of people had left their properties because three of the town’s four rivers were having problems.  He referred to the geographical impact of all three rivers and asked for greater clarity between interfacing with the Council and its partner agencies.  Councillor P Ruffles referred to responsibility issues involving the opening of the sluice gates, adding that the Council needed to learn from the recent flooding.  The Chief Executive and Director of Customer and Community Services agreed that there was a need to clarify areas of responsibility in terms of the sluice gates and this was an issue which the Council would address.  He suggested Officers bring a report to the next meeting of this Committee to review the actions during the February flooding and the lessons learned.  This was agreed by Members.


Councillor B Wrangles referred to the drains and the fact that these were only cleaned every 18 months.  She urged the Council to put pressure on Hertfordshire County Council for increasing the frequency of their clean.  Councillor R Beeching confirmed that this was every 18 months and that the contractors were now under pressure to clear the gullies more frequently.


The Chief Executive and Director of Customer and Community Services thanked Officers and Members for helping out during the recent emergency.


The Chairman stated that this was his last meeting as Chairman and thanked Officers for their hard work and professionalism.


The Chairman stated that there were two travellers in Hertford Car Parks and this matter was being dealt with by Officers.