Agenda item

3/12/1804/RP – Erection of 81 dwellings and associated details of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale (Phase II) at the Former Trinity Centre, Lady Margaret Gardens, Ware, SG12 7TL for Croudace Homes Ltd

Recommended for Approval.


Tim Bowden addressed the Committee against the application.


The Director of Neighbourhood Services recommended that, in respect of application 3/12/1804/RP, planning permission be granted subject to the conditions detailed in the report now submitted.


Councillor M Alexander, as the local ward Member, expressed concerns regarding the single point of access into what was becoming an ever larger cul-de-sac in East Herts.  He also expressed concerns that a majority of the roads within the development would remain in private ownership.  He queried whether any discussions had taken place with the applicant in respect of the remit of a management company to maintain the road network on this site.


The Director stated that the single point of access had always been included in the plans for this site but Members were reminded that an additional emergency vehicle access was proposed from Evergreen Road.  Members were advised that Hertfordshire Highways Officers were satisfied that the single point of access was acceptable.


The Director also stated that it was now the policy of County Highways to only adopt the primary roads of most new developments. Members were advised however, that Officers had attached a condition to ensure the creation of a management company to facilitate the management and maintenance of any non-adopted common areas of the site.


Councillor T Page stated that a development of 81 dwellings, many of which were affordable, was a positive step in ensuring provision of homes for young people bringing up families.  He commented however, that there was very little amenity land in a development with a density of 45.5 dwellings per hectare.  He also shared Councillor Alexander’s concerns regarding the single narrow access road to the site.


Councillor D Andrews also expressed concerns regarding the site access and the density of the proposed development.  He also stated that the parking provision of 1.67 spaces per dwelling was a concern, especially when considering the distance between the site and Ware train station and other local amenities.  He also commented that many of the residents would work up or down the A10 corridor and would require at least one car per household.


The Director acknowledged that, whilst the density of dwellings was high, this assimilated well with phase 1 of the development at the Former Trinity Centre and was also in accordance with the previously approved outline application for phase 2.


Members were reminded that outline planning permission had already been approved for 81 dwellings on this site.  The Director also confirmed that there was a triangular area of play space within the site and also a larger area of land to the north that would be given over to the District Council to form a much larger area of amenity land for the combined benefit of both phases of the development.


In response to Members’ concerns regarding car parking, the Director advised that the parking standards are maximum standards.


The Director confirmed that Officers, as well as Officers from County Highways, were satisfied that the proposed parking provision was sufficient.  Members were also advised to bear in mind the issue of housing land supply, particularly where a site assisted with supplying housing and was a site allocated for such housing in the Local Plan.


Councillor M Newman commented on whether conditions could be applied to mitigate the concerns of the objecting speaker in relation to residents parking in Evergreen Road to access the application site.  Councillor Newman also referred to the £83,625 towards sustainable transport improvements, in terms of how this funding was to be spent as there was no mention of this in the conditions.


The Director stated that there was little Officers could do to control parking in Evergreen Road as this was outside the application site.  Members were reminded that the Section 106 contribution of £83,625 was tied to the original outline planning consent and was intended for the provision of bus stop improvements and a traffic regulation order.


In response to a concern from Councillor D Andrews regarding the loss of the turning head, the Director advised that this had only been a temporary feature on phase 1 of the development pending completion of phase 2.  Members were advised that it was now considered preferable to convert this space to a landscaped open area to improve the character and appearance of the development.


Members were further advised that turning space was available within the spine road of the development, so that larger vehicles would not have to drive into the smaller secondary roads.


In response to a query from Councillor M Newman, the Director confirmed that parking provision was related to the size of the units on any planning application.  The Director confirmed that Officers felt this application represented a good development in terms of the scale, size and mix of tenure as well as an appropriate density of development.


After being put to the meeting and a vote taken, the Committee supported the recommendation of the Director of Neighbourhood Services as now submitted.


Councillors M Alexander, D Andrews,
P Moore and T Page requested that their votes against this decision be recorded.


RESOLVED – that in respect of application 3/12/1804/RP, planning permission be granted subject to the conditions detailed in the report now submitted.

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