Agenda item

3/12/1150/FP – Demolition of garages and clearance of associated land, construction of affordable housing, 1x4 bed detached house, 4 x3 bed semi–detached houses and 3 x 2 bed bungalows on garage site to the rear of 17–28 Grass Warren, Tewin, Herts, AL6 0JJ for Riversmead Housing Association

Recommended for Approval.


Keith St Pier, Stuart Kirkham and Dean Goodman addressed the Committee against the application.  Simon Camp spoke for the application.


The Director of Neighbourhood Services recommended that, in respect of application 3/12/1150/FP, planning permission be granted subject to the conditions detailed in the report now submitted.


Councillor L Haysey, as the local ward Member, stated that she had found that striking the right balance had been difficult in respect of this application.  She commented that there were a number of defects in the application that were relatively easy to address.  She referred in particular to the quality of design and the impact on the quality of life for the residents of Tewin.


Councillor L Haysey referred to Officer’s concerns in respect of the protection of the openness of an English Design Site.  She stated however that the building height was low and although this area was not part of the application site, a solution to improve the scheme’s design should be explored between the applicant and Officers.


The Director referred Members to the comments detailed in the additional representations schedule, as Officers had suggested an additional condition for Members to consider.


In response to a query from Councillor A Burlton in respect of the access and the land at Grass Warren, which was outside of the application site, the Director confirmed that Members should consider the application as submitted.


Councillor T Page stated that this application was for a small but high density scheme which would harm the character and appearance of the surrounding area.  He commented that the application was contrary to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) requirements in respect of good design and sustainable development.


Councillor Mrs R Cheswright invited Officers to respond to the comments of Hertfordshire Fire and Rescue in respect of access to this site for 18 tonne fire hydrants.  She also commented on whether this issue, as well as those raised by Councillor L Haysey, were sufficient to merit a deferral of this application so that Officers could liaise with the applicant to address all of the outstanding concerns.


Councillor M Newman referred to access for cars and emergency vehicles as being the principal issue in respect of this application.  He stated that although the proposed access just about met the minimum highways standards in the eyes of Hertfordshire Highways and Hertfordshire Fire and Rescue, the proposed arrangements did not represent a practical access.


The Director advised that condition 7 was designed to ensure that the surfacing of the access road within the application site was capable of catering for all the vehicles that would need to access the application site. 


Officers could include the remainder of the access road within this condition as Riversmead Housing Association owned the land referred to by Councillor L Haysey.  The result would be a Grampian style condition meaning that no development could take place until the access details were finalised.


The Director stated that the negotiations with Hertfordshire Fire and Rescue had resulted in amendments to the scheme so that fire service vehicles and other service vehicles would be able to leave the site in forward gear.  Officers had recommended approval as the application met the minimum standards in terms of design and access.


The Director stressed that seeking to improve the access would inevitably alter the impact of the proposed development in terms of the loss of green space.


Members were reminded that a revised access and the loss of green space would mean that residents would need to be re-consulted.  Some residents who had previously been content with the scheme might now feel compelled to object to the application.  A deferral would therefore be necessary if Members wished the matter of access to be considered further. 


Councillor Mrs R Cheswright proposed and Councillor D Andrews seconded, a motion that application 3/12/1150/FP be deferred to enable Officers to investigate the possibility of alternative means of access with the applicant.


After being put to the meeting and a vote taken, this motion was declared CARRIED.  The Committee rejected the recommendation of the Director of Neighbourhood Services as now submitted.


RESOLVED – that in respect of application 3/12/1150/FP, planning permission be deferred to enable Officers to investigate the possibility of alternative means of access with the applicant.

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