Agenda item

2011/12 Performance Outturns


The Leader of the Council submitted a report detailing the performance indicators that the Council was required to monitor and publish annually in the Annual Report.  The purpose of the report was to advise Members of the performance outturns for 2011/12 and any changes to targets.


Members were advised that the report covered 57 performance indicators, of which 55 were the subject of targets detailed in Essential Reference Paper ‘B’.  The report also covered the Monthly Corporate Healthcheck exception report for February and March 2012, which was detailed in Essential Reference Paper ‘C1’.


In response to a query from Councillor J Mayes, the Corporate Planning and Performance Manager stated that the Authority should retain performance indicators relating to percentages of Officers employed with disabilities or from Black, Minority and Ethnic (BME) groups.  Members were advised that the Authority did everything possible to encourage applications from these groups.


The Director of Internal Services confirmed it was important for the Human Resources Committee and Officers to be mindful of these indicators to ensure that the Authority was not discriminating against any potential applicants when undertaking recruitment.  Councillor J Ranger confirmed that the Human Resources Committee had discussed this issue in relation to ensuring targets were realistic and sensible.


Councillor J Mayes commented on EHPI 8 – percentage of invoices paid on time being just off target.  Officers confirmed that most invoices were paid on time.  Councillor D Andrews stated that EHPI 181 – time taken to process Housing Benefit/Council Tax Benefit new claims and change events was also off target but only by a very narrow margin.


Councillor J Ranger stated that the recommendation relating to EHPI 156 – buildings accessible to people with a disability should be changed to 90 or 91%, as opposed to 90.91%.  Councillor J Wing requested that all Essential Reference Papers should contain text that adhered to theRoyalNational Instituteof Blind People (RNIB) guidelines of not less than 14 point font, as he was unable to scrutinise these documents in their current form.


Councillor M Pope observed that the total salary budget was detailed as an overspend at year end.  The Director predicted that this budget would show a slight underspend 2012/13.


The Committee received the report.


RESOLVED – that (A) the report be received;


(B)   the Outturns for 2011/12, as detailed in Essential Reference Paper ‘B’ of the report submitted, be noted;


(C)   the 2013/14 target of 65% for EHPI 3 – overall satisfaction with the Authority, be noted;


(D)   the revised target from 2013/14 onwards of 90 or 91% for EHPI 156 – buildings accessible to people with a disability, be noted;


(E)   the revised target from 2013/14 onwards of 80% for EHPI 2.15 – Health and Safety Inspections, be noted;


(F)   the proposed deletion of EHPI 14 – retirements, be noted;


(G)  the actions detailed in the report in respect of improving data quality be recommended to the Executive for approval;


(H)   the budget variances and performance detailed in Essential Reference Paper ‘C1’ of the report submitted, be noted; and


(I)    the Executive be recommended to authorise Officers to re-evaluate EHPI 16a and EHPI 16b – the percentage of staff with disabilities and the percentage of top 10% of earners with a disability.

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