Agenda item

Members' questions

To receive any Members' questions.


Question 1


Councillor N Poulton asked the Leader of the Council to write to the Executive Member of the County Council responsible for Highway issues, County Councillor Stuart Pile, asking him what the future of the Hertfordshire Joint Members Panel was, following the decision to alter the current excellent working arrangements between County and District Members. 


In reply, the Leader shared Councillor N Poulton’s frustration and provided the latest information he had.  Members were aware that responsibilities and some budgets had been devolved to the local level and that the County was looking at replacing the Panel with two liaison meetings each year, that would include parish and town council representatives as well.  Whilst acknowledging the wider engagement of this approach, the Leader expressed concern on whether District Members would be able to input to the decision-making process on significant issues.


The Leader referred to an officer level meeting that was being held on 14 June 2012 to discuss the way forward.  He understood that the County Council’s Cabinet would be considering the matter in July 2012.  The Leader commented that, in principle, he would be happy to write the letter suggested, but not until after the outcome of the officer meeting in June 2012 was known.


Councillor N Poulton agreed that the letter should wait until after the officer meeting in June 2012, but asked the Leader to confirm that the scheduled Panel meeting on 20 August 2012 would still take place and that a mechanism for petitions to be heard would be retained.


In reply, the Leader undertook to ask Officers to seek clarity on the August meeting and to raise the issue of petitions.


Question 2


Councillor J Ranger expressed concern that the Local District Plan might be delayed and asked the Executive Member for Planning Policy and Economic Development to let Council know the progress of the Secretary of State's decision concerning the appeal relating to the schools site in Bishop’s Stortford.


In reply, the Executive Member for Planning Policy and Economic Development expressed his gratitude for this opportunity to update Members on the Government’s decisions or lack of.  He reminded Members that the appeal decision on the schools site had been expected on 24 April 2012, but had now been delayed until 26 July 2012.  This three month delay had had a significant impact on the District Plan timetable, as the intention of starting public consultation on the preferred option in September 2012 would now have to be changed.


The Executive Member commented that the Government had yet to remove Regional Plans from statute, which was particularly frustrating, as the Government had spoken of speeding up the planning process and yet were causing more delays.  He undertook to lobby the Government and to seek the local MP’s support for an end to such delays.


The Executive Member advised on the new District Planning timetable.  The District Plan Panel meeting scheduled for 13 June 2012 had now been cancelled.  The Panel meeting on 26 July 2012 would be retained and an additional meeting would be held on 28 November 2012, from which recommendations would be submitted, via the Executive on 4 December 2012, to the Council meeting on 12 December 2012.  Therefore, the public consultation would not begin until 17 January 2013.

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