The Leader submitted a report on the results of the 2011 Residents Survey. The Committees were requested to identify a number of priority issues arising from the survey on which Officers would develop an action plan for consideration by the Executive.
Councillor J Ranger stated that Officers should focus on affordable housing provision and particular focus should be given to any new ideas and initiatives regarding this issue.
Councillor G McAndrew emphasised that affordable housing should be realistically ‘affordable’ and must be of a decent standard and fit for purpose. Members also commented that they were keen to see whether the Choice Based Lettings points system could be amended so more points were awarded for a sub-district level connection with the area/village location being requested.
Councillor M Wood commented that more financial support should be given to house builders to ensure that affordable housing provision actually took place across the District. Councillor P Phillips stressed the importance of activities for teenagers to alleviate problems of anti-social behaviour.
Councillor R Beeching referred to the switching off of street lighting planned for next year. He referred in particular to the numbers of residents who had indicated they did not feel safe after dark and also on the number of residents being adversely affected by teenagers congregating and instances of drunk or rowdy behaviour in public places.
Councillor Beeching stated that he was pleased to see the high satisfaction residents had expressed in relation to refuse collection and recycling in East Herts. He commented that there should be no change to Alternate Refuse Collections (ARC) and any suggestions to revert to weekly collections should be resisted.
Councillor Ranger stated that Officers should carefully consider the poor satisfaction rating in terms of the public perception of how the Council dealt with complaints. He stressed that he was concerned over how dissatisfied residents appeared to be with how long the Authority took to respond to complaints.
Councillor D Andrews commented that the survey seemed to indicate that some residents felt that the Authority was not doing enough to communicate with residents and publicise the Council’s functions across East Herts.
RESOLVED – that the Executive be informed that the Joint Scrutiny Committees had the following comments:
(A) the ORS Residents Survey Report be noted;
(B) the following priority areas for further investigation by Officers be approved:
· the Government’s ideas in relation to the provision of decent and suitable affordable housing;
· whether the choice based lettings scheme should be amended so there was a greater emphasis on the awarding of points on a more local basis than the District level;
· the provision of more activities for teenagers to address issues of teenagers congregating and causing anti-social behaviour;
· reiterating that there should be no move back to weekly refuse collections and more work should be undertaken to improve the situation regarding increasing recycling facilities for flats;
· addressing the high level of dissatisfaction of residents in respect of complaints and the time taken for the Authority to respond;
· whether more could be done to address residents’ views that the Authority should do more to engage with residents and publicise the Council’s activities; and
(C) Officers be requested to develop an action plan in response to the priorities identified by the Joint Scrutiny Committees.
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