Question 1
Councillor P Ruffles stated that a mill had been powered by the water flow of the River Lea at the site of Hertford Theatre for well over 1000 years. There had been a positive report about re-provision of water power (hydro power) to Hertford Theatre at the January meeting of the Council’s Executive. The aim of the proposal was to cut the Theatre’s energy bill; to reduce the national carbon expensive energy demand from the National Grid; and, to set a good example in the community locally and more widely. Some Hertford Members had consistently pushed for East Herts to take this initiative and develop a plan. He asked the Executive Member for Community Safety and Environment if he had a positive update for Members.
In reply, the Executive Member commented that Officers were working hard to progress this matter and had developed a detailed projected plan, which was updated on a weekly basis. He believed the situation looked more encouraging. The Executive Member referred to his visit to a similar project in Berkshire, which had taken five years of hard work to deliver.
The Executive Member reassured Members that the Council retained its commitment to complete the project and that the business case remained robust. In respect of the timing, the Council was in the hands of the Environment Agency.
Question 2
Councillor J Ranger asked the Leader of the Council if he agreed that Members and Town/Parish Clerks should be advised of any enforcement action proposed to be taken or not to be taken in their Wards or Towns/Parishes.
The Leader agreed in essence with the question, but expressed caution, as in some cases Officers might be of the view that until an official investigation started, it might be better for the local Member not to know. He read an extract from a report submitted to the Environment Scrutiny Committee in September 2011, in which this matter had been looked at by a task and finish group.
He undertook to ask Officers to discuss the issue with Councillor J Ranger and to ensure that the enforcement process was updated as necessary.
Councillor J Ranger asked whether the Leader was aware that some Parish Councils did not appear to understand the distinction between a planning application and enforcement action and whether Officers could be asked to use their discretion, and where appropriate, to inform the local Member and the Town/Parish Council of proposed enforcement action.
In reply, the Leader undertook to refer this to Officers as requested.
Question 3
Councillor M Wood asked the Leader of the Council if he would be writing to the Communities Secretary of State, Eric Pickles MP, advising him that East Herts did not wish to revert to weekly waste collections and at the same time, advise him of the great success of the Council’s ARC scheme.
In reply, the Leader commented that he was not aware of any approach to modify the Council’s arrangements. If such an approach was received, then he would advise the Communities Secretary of State that residents in East Herts supported the current arrangements.
The Executive Member for Community Safety and Environment added that the ARC scheme had been a great success and referred to the recent Residents Survey, in which satisfaction levels had risen significantly.
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