To consider a report of the Head of Democratic and Legal Support Services.
Details of the appointments made to the Standards Committee (w.e.f 1/7/12) can be found here.
The Head of Democratic and Legal Support Services submitted a report reviewing the Council’s decision-making structure. He advised that Council was required to approve the size of the proposed committees and the allocation of seats to political groups. Council noted that three political groups had been formed and their nominations to the seats on committees were detailed in the report now submitted.
In addition, Council noted the establishment of a new Council Tax Setting Committee and a new Standards Committee (from 1 July 2012) as a result of the decisions at Minutes 21 and 23 above.
Leaders of political groups advised on their nominations to these Committees.
Council approved the proposals as now detailed.
RESOLVED – that (A) the following Scrutiny Committees, Regulatory Committees, Joint Committee and Joint Member Panel be appointed, with the number of voting Members stated:
Committee |
No. of Members |
Community Scrutiny |
10 |
Corporate Business Scrutiny |
10 |
Environment Scrutiny |
10 |
Audit |
7 |
Council Tax Setting |
5 |
Standards Committee (w.e.f. 1 July 2012) |
5 |
Development Control |
12 |
Human Resources |
7 |
Licensing |
15 |
Highways Joint Member Panel (8 from Hertfordshire County Council and 8 from East Herts Council) |
16 |
East Herts Council and Stevenage Borough Council Joint Revenues and Benefits Committee (3 from each Council) |
6 |
Hertfordshire Police and Crime Panel |
1 |
(B) the allocation of seats to political groups be as set out in Essential Reference Paper ‘C’ of the report now submitted;
(C) the allocation of seats on the Highways Joint Member Panel (8) and the Revenues and Benefits Joint Committee (3) to political groups be as follows:
Highways Panel
Conservative 7
Liberal Democrats 1
Revenues and Benefits
Conservative 7
Liberal Democrats 1
(D) the membership of Scrutiny Committees, Regulatory Committees, the East Herts Council and Stevenage Borough Council Joint Revenues and Benefits Committee and the Highways Joint Member Panel be as set out in Essential Reference Paper ‘D’ of the report submitted, with Members being appointed in accordance with the wishes of the political groups to whom the seats on these bodies have been allocated;
(E) the intention of the Leader of the Council to appoint 5 Members to the Executive (in addition to the Leader) with the portfolio responsibilities as detailed at Essential Reference Paper ‘B’ of the report submitted, be noted;
(F) the Council’s Standards Committee be established for the period ending on 30 June 2012 and consist of four independent Members, four District Councillors (of whom at least one should be from each political party with four or more Members), one Town Council Member, two Parish Council Members and the following District Councillors be appointed:
District Council
Councillors A Burlton, M Carver, N Poulton and M Wood.
Mr J Jones
Mr C Marks
Mrs E Woods
Mr S Bouette
Mr D Farrell
Mr J Morphew
Mr T Vickers
(G) the programme of Council meetings, as detailed at paragraph 6.1 of the report submitted, be approved;
(H) the Director of Internal Services be authorised to sign, on behalf of the Authority, the finalised agreement to establish Hertfordshire’s Police and Crime Panel’s (governance) arrangements;
(I) Councillor M Alexander be appointed as East Herts Council’s member of the Hertfordshire Police and Crime Panel;
(J) the Director of Internal Services be authorised to make changes in the standing membership of committees, joint committee and panel in (A) above, in accordance with the wishes of the political groups to whom seats on these bodies have been allocated, and
(K) the action to be taken by the Director of Internal Services, in consultation with the Leader, under delegated authority, concerning the appointment of representatives to outside bodies, be noted.
Supporting documents: