The Head of Revenues and Benefits Shared Service submitted a report inviting Members to receive the Committee’s Terms of Reference and to address any issues of clarity.
The East Herts Council Director of Internal Services reminded Members that the Terms of Reference had been agreed by the Executives of East Herts and Stevenage in June 2011.
The Director advised that the overall performance of the shared service would be monitored by the Committee although both Authorities would continue to receive specific performance data. The Committee could request reports and would also oversee future development plans and consider the terms on which other Authorities wished to be included in the shared service arrangement.
The Committee would not be involved with the setting of Council Tax or the Council Tax base or collection funds. Issues in relation to policy direction and NNDR would also not be within the remit of the Committee. The Director detailed the voting arrangements that would be used when the Committee made decisions.
In response to a query from Councillor G McAndrew, the Director confirmed that the Chairman had the option of exercise a casting vote where there was an equality of votes. The Director stressed that if no second or casting vote was made, a motion would automatically be declared lost.
Councillor M Tindale referred to whether decisions had to be unanimous to be approved by the Committee. The Director advised that the quorum would be three elected Members with one Councillor from each Authority being present. All Members present had to be in agreement for a decision to be approved by the Committee.
Councillor L Haysey referred to whether there were any appointed substitutes for the Committee. Members were advised that, at present, there were no named substitutes for either Authority and any substitute arrangements must be passed to the Committee Officer 24 hours before a meeting was to take place.
The Committee agreed to meet 4 times in the first year and 3 times a year thereafter. The meetings would be hosted by East Herts Council in the first year and by Stevenage Borough Council in the second year.
Councillor G McAndrew sought and was given clarification in respect of the telephony arrangements for the shared service. He also queried whether joint branding would be used on benefits claim forms.
The East Herts Council Director of Internal Services advised that he was meeting with the Strategic Director (Resources), Stevenage Borough Council on a weekly basis to discuss all aspects of project management for the shared service. Members were advised of all the aspects of work being undertaken to ensure the shared service arrangements remained on schedule.
The Committee was advised that the single shared system would go live on 5 December 2011.
The Committee received the report.
RESOLVED – that (A) the Terms of Reference for the Committee, as now detailed, be noted;
(B) the Committee meet 4 times a year in the first year and 3 times a year thereafter; and
(C) meetings take place in the East Herts Council Chamber this year and at Stevenage Borough Council Offices next year.
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