Agenda item

Schools Relocation and Associated Redevelopment Proposals, Bishop's Stortford: Planning Appeals


The Head of Planning and Building Control submitted a report to update the Committee in relation to the appeals submitted in respect of the Bishop’s Stortford Schools Relocation and Associated Redevelopment Proposals.


Members were advised that Officers were reviewing the position of the Authority to ensure that there was a sound case for the appeal to be contested on behalf of the Committee.  The first recommendation was in relation to the highways issues in that the Council continues to include, as part of its case, the unacceptable impact of the proposed development in relation to highway matters.


Officers believed that, although the highway authority did not object to the applications, independent assessors considered that the Local Planning Authority did have a case to advance at the planning enquiry on the grounds that there were shortcomings in the transport assessments undertaken on behalf of the appellant.


The Committee was advised that the decision on the planning proposals in relation to the relocation of the Blues pre-school may not now form part of the case advanced by the Council, as this application had now been approved by the Committee.


Members were also advised that, given the complex nature of the appeal proposals and because of the requirement to ensure that the Council’s case at appeal reflected any changes in circumstances in the run up to the inquiry, the Head of Planning and Building Control was seeking authority to make any further changes to the case submitted by the Council as necessary and appropriate, subject to agreement with the Chairman of the Committee and a Committee Member representing a Bishop’s Stortford ward.


Councillor J Taylor commented that this was significant responsibility for a single Bishop’s Stortford Member.  The Committee agreed that Councillors A Burlton, G Jones and the Chairman of the Development Control Committee assist the Head of Planning and Building Control in making any further changes to the case to be submitted by the Council at the forthcoming public enquiry.


Finally, the Committee expressed its view that the public inquiry should be held in a Bishop’s Stortford venue because of the considerable local interest in the proposals and the significant impact of them in relation to the town.


After being put to the meeting and a vote taken, the Committee supported the Director’s recommendations as now detailed.


RESOLVED – that (A) in relation to the proposals for the development of the relocated schools at Whittington Way, Bishop’s Stortford, the Council continues to include, as part of its case, the unacceptable impact of the proposed development in relation to highway matters;


(B)   as the decision on the planning proposals in relation to the relocation of the Blues pre-school had now been determined, this matter does not continue to form part of the case advanced by the Council;


(C)   the Head of Planning and Building Control be authorised to make any further changes to the case submitted by the Council as necessary and appropriate, subject to agreement with the Chairman of the Development Control Committee and Councillors A Burlton and G Jones; and


(D)   the public inquiry should be held in a Bishop’s Stortford venue because of the considerable local interest in the proposals and the significant impact of them in relation to the town.

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