Agenda item

Decision-Making Arrangements


The Head of Democratic and Legal Support Services submitted a report reviewing the Council’s decision-making structure.  He advised that Council was required to approve the size of the proposed committees and the allocation of seats to political groups.  Council noted that three political groups had been formed and their nominations to the seats on committees were detailed in the report now submitted. 


The Head of Democratic and Legal Support Services also advised that Council was required to appoint a Leader for the life of the Council and it would be the Leader’s responsibility to determine the size of the Executive, portfolio arrangements and appointments.


Councillor M Wood expressed concern with the proposal that the size of the Development Control Committee be reduced to 12 Members, on the basis of the workload required.


Councillor J Ranger expressed concern that the proposed size of the scrutiny committees were not large enough, as he believed that all Members who were not on the Executive should be on at least one scrutiny committee.  He requested that this be looked at over the coming year with a view to increasing their size for 2012/13.


Councillor G McAndrew proposed, and Councillor Mrs D Hollebon seconded, that Councillor A Jackson be appointed Leader of the Council for the life of the Council.


After being put to the meeting, and a vote taken, Councillor A Jackson was appointed Leader of the Council for the life of the Council.


The Leader thanked Members for his appointment and spoke of the privilege of serving as Leader of the District Council.  He looked back at the Council’s achievements of the previous term and highlighted the refurbishment of Hertford Theatre, the C3W programme, the Green Flag awards, the publication of the Bishop’s Stortford 20:20 Vision and the implementation of the Alternate Refuse and Recycling scheme.  The Leader also referred to the various activities that had strengthened partnerships in a number of areas.  He reminded Members that council tax had been frozen this year with the intention of there being no increase next year.


The Leader looked forward to the challenges facing the Council over the next four years and the need to provide direction and leadership.  He outlined some of the major issues that would need to be tackled, such as economic development, the Transport Strategy and the Community Safety Review.  He believed that the role of the District Council would change and be strengthened over the next few years and become a coordinator of the place.


Finally, the Leader outlined the critical role of ward councillors as community leaders and looked forward to working with all Members in a constructive way.  He referred to the need for his group to use their large majority in a responsible manner and to engage with and involve all Members as far as possible.


Council approved the proposals as now submitted.


RESOLVED – that (A) the following Scrutiny Committees, Regulatory Committees and Joint Member Panel be appointed, with the number of voting Members stated:



No. of Members

Community Scrutiny


Corporate Business Scrutiny             


Environment Scrutiny                          




Development Control                          


Human Resources




Highways Joint Member Panel          
(8 from Hertfordshire County Council
 8 from this Council)



(B)      the allocation of seats to political groups be as set out in Essential Reference Paper ‘C’ of the report now submitted;


(C)      the allocation of seats on the Highways Joint Member Panel (8) to political groups be as follows:


Conservative            7

Liberal Democrats   1


(D)      the membership of Scrutiny Committees, Regulatory Committees and the Highways Joint Member Panel be as set out in Essential Reference Paper ‘D’ of the report now submitted, with Members being appointed in accordance with the wishes of the political groups to whom the seats on these bodies have been allocated;


(E)      Councillor A Jackson be appointed as Leader of the Council for the life of the Council;


(F)       to note that the number of Executive Members to be appointed to the Executive, as advised by the Leader, will be 4 (in addition to the Leader) and the portfolio responsibilities as detailed at Essential Reference Paper ‘B’ of the report submitted;


(G)      the Council’s Standards Committee be appointed for the ensuing civic year consisting of four independent Members, four District Councillors (of whom at least one should be from each political party with four or more Members), one Town Council Member, two Parish Council Members and the following be appointed:


District Council

Councillors A Burlton, M Carver, N Poulton and M Wood.



Mr J Jones, Mr C Marks and Mrs E Woods.



Mr S Bouette, Mr D Farrell, Mr J Morphew and Mr T Vickers.


(H)      the programme of Council meetings, as detailed at paragraph 6.1 of the report submitted, be approved;


(I)        the Director of Internal Services be authorised to make changes in the standing membership of committees and panels in (A) above, in accordance with the wishes of the political groups to whom seats on these bodies have been allocated; and


(J)       the action to be taken by the Director of Internal Services, in consultation with the Leader, under delegated authority, concerning the appointment of representatives to outside bodies, be noted.


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