Agenda item

3/10/1295/FN - Renewal of planning permission granted under ref. 3/05/1062/FP for the erection of new gymnasium at Richard Hale School, Hale Road, Hertford

Recommended for Approval.


The Director of Neighbourhood Services recommended that, in respect of application 3/10/1295/FN, planning permission be granted subject to the conditions now detailed.


The Committee supported the recommendation of the Director of Neighbourhood Services that application 3/10/1295/FN be granted subject to the conditions now detailed.


RESOLVED – that in respect of application 3/10/1295/FN, planning permission be granted subject to the following conditions:


1.            Three year time limit (1T12)


2.            Approved plans (2E10) Insert:- 002, 003


3.            Levels (2E05)


4.            Samples of materials (2E12)


5.            Detailed plans, at an appropriate scale, of the proposed pedestrian access bridge and ramp cycle storage facilities, any external plant, flues or extracts, and of brickwork details to columns and plinths, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to commencement of development. Thereafter the development shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details.


Reason: The plans submitted are insufficient for consideration of the details mentioned.


6.    Prior to the commencement of development hereby permitted, the vehicle access width onto Pegs Lane shall be 4.1m with kerb radii of 6m, and surfaced in accordance with details to be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Any gates shall be set back a minimum of 5m from the edge of carriageway. A pram crossing shall be provided at the tangent point to each radius.


Reason: So that vehicles may enter and leave the site with the minimum of interference to the free flow and safety of other traffic on the highway and for the convenience and safety of pedestrians and disabled persons, in accordance with Appendix 1 (C) of the East Herts Local Plan.


7.    Provision and retention of parking spaces (3V23)


8.            Tree retention and protection (4P05)


9.            Hedge retention and protection (4P06)


10.      Landscape design proposals (4P12) (b, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l)


11.      Landscape works implementation (4P13)


12.      Prior to the first use of the development hereby permitted, details of the arrangements for the building’s shared use by the community including public access at weekends and evenings, shall be submitted and approved in writing by the local planning authority.  The use of the building shall thereafter continue in accordance with the approved scheme unless as otherwise may be varied and approved in writing by the local planning authority.


Reason: To ensure the provision of the building responds to the opportunity to provide for shared community use and in accordance with Policy LRC2 of the adopted East Herts Local Plan 2007.




1.            Other Legislation (01OL)


2.            You are advised that if during construction or excavation, any contaminated material is revealed then the movement of such materials should be in consultation with the regularity authority.


Summary of Reasons for Decision


The proposal has been considered with regard to the policies of the Development Plan (East of England Plan 2008, Minerals Local Plan, Waste Local Plan and the 'saved' policies of the East Herts Local Plan Second Review April 2007), and in particular policies SD1, SD2, LRC2, TR7, TR13, ENV1, ENV2, ENV11, BH6, IMP1 and PPS1 and PPS5. The balance of the considerations having regard to those policies is that permission should be granted.

Supporting documents: