Agenda item

Executive Report

To receive a report from the Leader of the Council, and where necessary, approve the recommendations of the Executive meetings held on:


The Leader reported on the work of the Executive and presented the Minutes of the Executive meetings held on 11 January and 8 February 2011.


In respect of Minutes 531 – 535, which were all items relating to the Council’s budget, the Executive Member for Resources and Internal Services gave a presentation.


The Executive Member referred to this being the last budget to be set by this Council before elections in 2011 and so took the opportunity to provide an overview of the four years since the last elections.  He referred to the transformation of the Council and reminded Members of the key budgetary objectives that had been set in 2007.  He highlighted the major achievements, such as recycling, leisure and cultural investments and reducing the net cost of services.  The Executive Member concluded by referring to the proposed council tax increase of 0% in 2011/12 and the undertaking to repeat this in 2012/13.


Councillor M Wood responded by referring to the national picture where many job losses had been reported and estimated from the budget proposals, that up to eight posts in could be made redundant.  He questioned whether the full impact of the C3W programme, which was due to be completed in 2011, had been assessed sufficiently.  He believed that some of the proposed cuts, such as leaf clearance and weed control were unnecessary and could have been avoided by using reserves.  Whilst supporting the freezing of council tax, he opposed the budget proposals because of what was in the detail.


Councillor K A Barnes supported Councillor M Wood’s comments.


In respect of Minute 535 – Consolidated Budget Report: Probable Outturn 2010/11: Revenue Budget 2011/12: Medium Term Financial Plan 2011/12 – 2014/15, Councillor A M Graham proposed, and Councillor Mrs M H Goldspink seconded, an amendment to recommendation (C) to the effect that savings relating to community and cultural elements totalling £121k be deleted and that budgets for leaf clearance (£14k) and weed control (£10k) be reinstated resulting in an increasing contribution from the General Reserve to £197k.


Councillor A M Graham spoke on the impact of the cuts for the vulnerable in society and suggested that in the current economic climate, such support needed to be increased and not reduced.  He referred to the Council’s level of Reserves and reminded Members that these belonged to the council taxpayer.  He believed that using 1% of them to reduce the impact of savings was sustainable in the short and medium term.  He referred to his many years on the Council and the work undertaken during that time to develop partnerships and pleaded for the Council not to undo that investment in one go.


Councillor Mrs M H Goldspink referred to the Council’s priorities and questioned how these would be met by reducing community grants.  She acknowledged the need for prudence and supported the freezing of council tax, but stated her belief that such savings could me avoided by utilising the Council’s large level of Reserves.  She referred to the health and safety issues that would be caused by deleting the leaf clearance programme.


The Leader acknowledged the genuine concerns raised, but suggested that they demonstrated the philosophical differences between some Members.  He reminded Council of the significant investments in Hertford Theatre and the leisure facilities.  He commented that the Council now had to operate in a very different world and could not continue funding certain items indefinitely.  Instead, the Council was working with partners to perhaps widen choices in later years.  He reminded Members of the significant decisions made by other local authorities in terms of staffing and front-line services.  These were uncertain times and tough decisions were needed now, as avoiding nearly £200k of savings this year would equate to nearly £800k over the life of the medium term financial plan.


The Executive Member for Resources and Internal Support acknowledged the frustration shown, but suggested that the level of detail raised would have been more effective during the scrutiny stage of the budget process.


The Leader suggested that, if Councillor A M Graham was prepared to withdraw his amendment, then the leaf clearance item could be reinstated for 2011/12 only, subject to further review next year.  In respect of the community and cultural items, the Leader gave an assurance that Officers would continue to explore partnership options and opportunities for leveraging funds.


Councillor A M Graham, with the consent of his seconder, withdrew his amendment.


RESOLVED – that (A) in respect of Minute 535 – Consolidated Budget Report: Probable Outturn 2010/11: Revenue Budget 2011/12: Medium Term Financial Plan 2011/12 – 2014/15, the recommendations be approved, subject to the reinstatement of leaf clearance (£14k) in 2011/12 and consequent increase in contribution from the General Reserve; and


(B)         the Minutes of the Executive meetings held on 11 January and 8 February 2011, be received, and the recommendations contained therein, be adopted.


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