Agenda item

3/10/1838/FP - Demolition of Dutch barn and erection of three dwellings at Land at Tinkers Hill, The Street, Furneux Pelham, SG9 0LJ for AD and SF Collins


Mr Smart addressed the Committee in objection to the application.  Mr Collins spoke for the application.


The Director of Neighbourhood Services recommended that, in respect of application 3/10/1838/FP, planning permission be refused for the reasons now detailed.


Councillor M J Tindale, as the local ward Member, referred to his concerns on the previous application and the reasons for the refusal of that application in April 2010.  He stated that, unusually, the applicant had managed to overcome all of the previous reasons for refusal.


Councillor Tindale stated that this current application was significantly more appropriate for the site.  He commented that aside from the location of the site within the village, all of the objections had been overcome.  He emphasised that the proposed buildings were appropriate and sympathetic to the site.


Councillor Tindale stressed that the case officer considered that the neighbours would not be adversely affected by the application.  He stated his view that the application was ideally suited to this site.  He stressed that none of the key stakeholders had objected to the application and that there had also been very few neighbour objections.


Councillor Tindale commented that the Officers’ concerns over the location of the site within the village was very much a matter of judgement.  He stated that Furneux Pelham was not two separate villages and such villages had been identified in the housing needs survey as in need of the style of housing proposed by this application.


Councillor Tindale commented that should one of the proposed dwellings be affordable, this would be good addition to the village.  He again refuted the judgement that Furneux Pelham was two distinct villages.  He stated that this seemed to be the principal judgement that had lead to the Officers’ recommendation for refusal.


The Director advised that the principal judgement centred on policy OSV2 of the East Herts Local Plan Second Review April 2007 in relation to whether this site was within the built up part of the village.


The Director stressed that Officers remained of the view that this application did not comply with policy OSV2 as the site was not located in the built up area of the village.  Members were advised that the dwelling the applicant had indicated would be affordable could be secured via a section 106 legal obligation.


Councillor J Demonti stated that she had viewed the application site from the nearby brewery tap and she considered that the proposed dwellings would be very visually prominent on the horizon.  She commented that 4 local residents had spoken to her expressing opposition to the application, even if all of the proposed units were affordable.


Councillor S A Bull highlighted the importance of affordable housing so that young people could continue to live in such villages.  Councillor R N Copping emphasised that area policy GBC3 stated that only affordable housing should be built on this site.  He commented however, that he would be supporting the Officers’ recommendation for refusal.


The Director advised that policy OSV2 did make provision for development within category 2 settlements such as Furneux Pelham.  He stated that Officers had been concerned that development on this site would consolidate a finger of development in this location.


Members were advised that unless there was full control of the site by a registered social landlord (RSL), the proposed dwellings would very likely fetch a premium price in this location. 


The Director stressed that if Members were minded to support the application contrary to policy OSV2 of the East Herts Local Plan Second Review April 2007, other local plan policies stipulated that all of the units must be affordable.  He advised caution as the policy approach was restrictive towards development in such locations and Officers had felt unable to support this application.


The Committee accepted the recommendation of the Director of Neighbourhood Services that application 3/10/1838/FP be refused planning permission for the reasons now detailed.


RESOLVED – that in respect of application 3/10/1838/FP, planning permission be refused for the following reason:


1.    The application site lies within the Rural Area beyond the Green Belt as defined in the East Hertfordshire Local Plan wherein there is a presumption against development other than that required for agriculture, forestry, small scale local community facilities, limited infill development in Category 2 Villages or other uses appropriate to a rural area. The proposed development would be prejudicial to this policy, set out at policies GBC2 and GBC3 within the East Herts Local Plan Review April 2007 and would be harmful to the open rural character and appearance of the area.

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