Agenda item

Training Presentation - Transforming East Herts


The Interim Chief Executive delivered a presentation to the Committee which gave an update on the Transforming East Herts project, which projected savings for 2024/25 of £781,000. She said that these savings included those made by the creation of the new Corporate Support Hub, non-recruitment to vacant Senior Leadership Team posts and the implementation of the new Adelante Smart Pay system.


The Interim Chief Executive said that the remaining savings for the year would be achieved by changes within the Revenues and Benefits Service following a review by Liberata, and by maximising the use of the Capita system.


The Interim Chief Executive said that there were three streams to the programme, Be Agile – which had seen the launch of a new staff intranet, giving savings of £28,000. Be Commercial – which included reviewing the options for the future of the Wallfields building and Be Digital – which included Adelante Smart Pay going live in November 2024.


The Head of Strategic Finance and Property gave assurance that cash or cheque payments would still be available at the post office and via PayPoint.  


The Chair thanked the Interim Chief Executive for her presentation. Councillor Nicholls asked how cultural change would be achieved with staff and Members. 


The Interim Chief Executive said that staff received regular staff briefings and that the East Herts Together Team also cascaded information down. She said that Members could be included in these activities, with Thursday evening briefings a possibility.


The Chair asked for clarification of the governance arrangements for the programme, and a timescale for the savings.


The Interim Chief Executive said that the well-versed Programme Manager met monthly with the three strand leaders at the programme’s Governance Board. She said that consideration was being given to all of Leadership Team being on the Governance Board, to give complete oversight/ownership of the programme. 


The Interim Chief Executive said that a totaliser had been introduced as a visual aid for the savings total. She said that annual timescales were seen as more robust than timescales against individual projects within the programme, and that this approach avoiding swamping the Transformation Team.


Mr Poppy said that it may be beneficial for officers to liaise with Welwyn Hatfield Council as they had a Go Ape activity centre within their district. He added that other Local Authorities may also be able to share their experience of letting out office space.


The Interim Chief Executive said that all decisions relating to the Wallfields building would need to be the right decision, made at the right time. She said that Members were keen to retain their own Council Chamber.


Councillor Brittain asked if the programme would be reviewed, and new items added.


The Interim Chief Executive said that the project would be forever ongoing, with officers trained in Lean Six Sigma giving input into finding items which require attention. She said it was important that each project within the programme was completed to avoid drift.

The Chair asked if the Interim Chief Executive could come back to the Committee with programme updates.


The Interim Chief Executive said that she was happy to come back and update Members.