Agenda item

Capital Receipts Programme – Authority to Dispose of Assets by sale


That the sale by auction of the properties listed in paragraphs 1.3.1, 1.3.2, 1.3.3 and 1.3.5, be approved.


The Executive Member for Financial Sustainability submitted a report that would give Officers the authority to sell a number of assets to reduce council borrowing. He said that the budget of 2024/25 had identified a number of assets that could be sold to reduce council borrowing.


The Executive Member said that he would like to amend recommendation A to read as follows:


‘That the sale by auction of the properties listed in paragraphs 1.3.1, 1.3.2, 1.3.3 and 1.3.5, be approved’. He said that the reason for the amendment was to allow a little more time for discussion around the items listed in paragraphs 1.3.4 and 1.3.6 as these assets both had existing tenants and a delay was not a significant issue in terms of costs.


The Executive Member for Financial Sustainability said the delay would enable further discussion in respect of these sites. He said that the remaining sites were all parcels with no existing use and could there continue to be sold at auction.


Councillor Brittain proposed that the amended recommendation be supported. Councillor Daar seconded the proposal.


Councillor Deering said that Charringtons House was not on the list and asked about the current situation in relation to Charringtons House.


The Executive Member for Financial Sustainability said that Charringtons House was not on the list as this building was part of the Old River Lane (ORL) scheme and this scheme was already designated for sale. The assets in this report were additional items for sale and Charringtons House was part of the ORL scheme and was not an individual asset.


Councillor Deering asked whether Charringtons House was going to be disposed of. The Executive Member for Financial Sustainability confirmed that Charringtons House would be disposed of when the development agreement was signed.


Councillor Jacobs said he had attended a meeting of the Bishop’s Stortford Town Council Finance and Policy Committee and the Committee had discussed an aspiration to acquire the Thorley Community Centre from East Hertfordshire District Council. He asked if this issue could be taken away and looked at. The Executive Member for Financial Sustainability said that this matter could be looked into.


Councillor Estop said that she welcomed the amendment to take Elizabeth Road (Havers Parade) out of the proposed sale of assets for capital receipts. She said that further discussions were very welcome, and she and Councillor Jacobs were not against the sale in principle. She said the way the sale was handled was very important in terms in respect to the tenants and the boundary of the land. She referred in particular to the green space and the footpath.


The Executive Member for Planning and Growth said that Thorley Community Centre was discussed at a Bishop’s Stortford partnership meeting and the Interim Chief Executive had this matter on her to do list. After being put to the meeting and a vote taken, the motion for the amendment was declared CARRIED.


Councillor Brittain proposed and Councillor Daar seconded, the substantive recommendation and, upon a vote being taken, the motion was declared CARRIED.


RESOLVED – that the sale by auction of the properties listed in paragraphs 1.3.1, 1.3.2, 1.3.3 and 1.3.5, be approved.

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