Agenda item

Local Government Funding


Councillor Goldspink presented her motion on notice. She said that the Local Government Association (LGA) had published a White Paper about funding reform and improving the relationship between central and local government. She said that the government decided each year how much money would be given to each local authority which meant no long-term commitment. She said that the motion called for adequate long-term funding and financial certainty for local authorities.


Councillor Thomas seconded the motion and reserved his right to speak.


Councillor E Buckmaster said it was appropriate to support the motion and said the financial challenge was even more difficult at the county council. He said that nationally, there was a £6.2 billion funding gap in social care.


Councillor Deering said he strongly supported the motion as he was responsible for finances at Hertfordshire County Council, and it was an extremely challenging situation. He encouraged the new government to come up with more funding for local government.


Councillor Wyllie suggested that the proposer and seconder of the motion might wish to include writing to the new MPs representing East Herts to lobby the Minister.


Councillor Daar said the council often received different pots of money and it was a lot more work to make efficient use of it.


Councillor Dumont said that local authorities had less spending power but were being asked to do more. He said no Member wanted to make cuts and hoped that the new government would change the system.


Councillor Williams said that local authorities needed to be given adequate funding to provide a decent level of service. He said that adequate funding meant that councils could engage early before issues become difficult to resolve. He said that he benefitted from early intervention when he was at school which allowed him to change his behaviour and achieve qualifications. He said the council would save money in the long term if they had the resources to intervene early.


Councillor Wyllie proposed the following amendment:


To add the words “and to the four local MPs” in the last paragraph after ‘Local Government’


Councillor Glover-Ward seconded the amendment.


Councillor Goldspink said she was happy to accept the amendment.


The motion to support the amendment having been proposed and seconded was put to the meeting and upon a vote being taken, was declared CARRIED. The amended motion then became the substantive motion as follows:


“This Council recognises that Local Government nationally is facing a £6.2 Billion funding gap over the next 2 years, and this will have a big impact on the financial situation in East Herts.

This council also notes that Central government relies on Local government to provide essential community services – like collecting rubbish bins, cleaning the streets, providing new homes, providing social care and much more.


It is clear that a much better relationship is needed between Central and Local Governments, - one which would provide long-term financial certainty and confidence for Local Authorities.


This Council further notes that the Local Government Association, (LGA) of which this Council is a member, published on7 June 2024 a Local Government White Paper on funding reform and also on improving the relationship between Central and Local government. The paper sets out 6 of the Challenges which are facing the country at the moment, and which are all relevant to the residents of East Herts District. They are:- Delivering Inclusive Financial Growth, Building the Homes we need, Supporting our Children and Young People, Reforming and Sustainably Funding Social care, Supporting Place- making, and Backing Local Climate Action. In this paper it makes detailed proposals about the actions which could be taken to tackle these challenges.


The LGA is calling on Central Government to provide adequate, longer-term funding for Local Authorities which would give them long-term financial certainty and sustainability in the provision of services. There should be an end to the proliferation of different funding pots and to the competitive bidding for grant funding. 


This Council resolves to express its strong support for this White Paper. This Council also calls on our new central Government to respond positively to the White Paper, and to demonstrate this by providing adequate, long-term funding for all Local Authorities.


Accordingly, it will write to the LGA Senior Vice-Chairman, and also to the government’s Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government and to the four local MPs expressing these views.”


The Chairman said that Members could now debate the substantive motion.


Councillor Goldspink responded to points raised in the debate. She thanked Members for the support across the Chamber and said all Members wanted to do the best and were frustrated by a lack of funds.


Having been proposed and seconded, the substantive motion was put to the meeting and upon a vote being taken, was declared CARRIED.



This Council recognises that Local Government nationally is facing a £6.2 Billion funding gap over the next 2 years, and this will have a big impact on the financial situation in East Herts.

This council also notes that Central government relies on Local government to provide essential community services – like collecting rubbish bins, cleaning the streets, providing new homes, providing social care and much more.


It is clear that a much better relationship is needed between Central and Local Governments, - one which would provide long-term financial certainty and confidence for Local Authorities.


This Council further notes that the Local Government Association, (LGA) of which this Council is a member, published on7 June 2024 a Local Government White Paper on funding reform and also on improving the relationship between Central and Local government. The paper sets out 6 of the Challenges which are facing the country at the moment, and which are all relevant to the residents of East Herts District. They are :- Delivering Inclusive Financial Growth, Building the Homes we need, Supporting our Children and Young People, Reforming and Sustainably Funding Social care, Supporting Place- making, and Backing Local Climate Action. In this paper it makes detailed proposals about the actions which could be taken to tackle these challenges.


The LGA is calling on Central Government to provide adequate, longer-term funding for Local Authorities which would give them long-term financial certainty and sustainability in the provision of services. There should be an end to the proliferation of different funding pots and to the competitive bidding for grant funding. 


This Council resolves to express its strong support for this White Paper. This Council also calls on our new central Government to respond positively to the White Paper, and to demonstrate this by providing adequate, long-term funding for all Local Authorities.


Accordingly, it will write to the LGA Senior Vice-Chairman, and also to the government’s Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government and to the four local MPs expressing these views


Supporting documents: