Agenda item

HR Q1 Statistics Update


The Human Resources and Organisational Development Manager introduced the report.


Councillor Connolly referred to page 32 of the report and queried why there was no data pertaining to contractor accidents or near accidents. 


The Health and Safety Officer said that the report did used to contain such data, but that this was removed as the Committee’s remit covered East Herts staff rather than its contractors. He said that it was the contractor’s responsibility to receive accident reports, and that contract managers had regular meetings with contractors to review statistics and ask for further detail regarding any points of concern.


Councillor Connolly asked which Executive Member had oversight of the Council’s contracts.


The Democratic and Electoral Services Manager confirmed that each Executive Member would have oversight for any contracts which fell under their portfolio.


Councillor Hollebon asked if the planning application had been submitted for Old River Lane, as this was mentioned on page 37 of the report pack.


Councillor Swainston said that she was on the Old River Lane board, and that no planning application had yet been submitted as normal planning processes were being followed.


Councillor Hollebon said that she was aware that a public consultation was being undertaken, and asked when data from this would be analysed and submitted to Members for discussion. 


The Chair said that an answer to Councillor Hollebon’s question would be provided outside of the meeting.


The Chair referred to page 29 of the report and asked for more information about the new applicant tracking system (ATS).


The Human Resources and Organisational Development Manager said that the new system – Tribepad, was a modern commercial system which had been recommended by other local authorities. He said that this replaced the old system which was not really fit for purpose.


The Human Resources and Organisational Development Manager said that Tribepad gave improved reporting data, including equalities data and had the potential to connect to the payroll system. He added that the new system also enabled reference requests, allowed ‘blind’ applications (to avoid unconscious bias), and the ability to develop employment contracts.


The Chair asked the Human Resources and Organisational Development Manager if there was anything he wished to highlight within the report.


The Human Resources and Organisational Development Manager said that the council’s staff demographic was older than average, which gave way to chronic illnesses and long-term sickness absence. He said that some long-term sickness was mental health related, but this was not always due to an employee’s workplace stress. He added that the council ensured that in such cases employees were linked up with mental health first aiders and connected to occupational health and the employee assistance programme.


The Human Resources and Organisational Development Manager thanked the Health and Safety Officer for his recent and ongoing work to ensure that the office move for the Housing and Health Department and the new BEAM facility were health and safety compliant.  


Councillor Connolly referred to page 39 of the agenda and noted that officers were not always aware of their roles and responsibilities with regards to health and safety. She said that the report mentioned three options to combat this but offered no conclusion. Councillor Connolly said that contract managers needed to be aware of their responsibilities and that there were inexpensive online courses available which could be explored. 


The Health and Safety Officer said that the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) managing safely course had been provided to Leadership Team and to Service Managers, as they had greater areas of responsibility. He said that following the Grenfell report further changes were anticipated, with pre-emptive work begun, to include manager training.


It was moved by Councillor Connolly and seconded by Councillor Hollebon, that the recommendations, as detailed, be approved. After being put to the meeting and a vote taken, this motion was declared CARRIED.


RESOLVED – that the Human Resources Management Report for Quarter 1 (April – June 2024) be considered and any comments be provided to the Human Resources Officer / Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development regarding the content or formatting of the report.

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