Agenda item

Volunteering Policy Report


The Human Resources and Organisational Development Manager introduced the report which proposed a new and operational policy to enable volunteers to be recruited at BEAM. 


The Human Resources and Organisational Development Manager said that The Executive Member for Communities had experience as a volunteer coordinator and had given her input into the policy. He said that thought had been given to enable under eighteens to volunteer, but this had been decided against for now as it added pressures such as Disclosure and Barring Service Checks (DBS).  


The Chair thanked the Human Resources and Organisational Development Manager for his report.


Councillor Connolly said that she was concerned with some of the content of the policy, she referred to Section 5.0 – Dress Code, and said that a ‘no trainers’ policy could be a barrier to diverse recruitment. She said that some trainers today were smart and that the term seemed old fashioned, adding that a policy of ‘smart casual’ dress code would suffice. 


Councillor Connolly referred to Section 9.6 – which related to BEAM having no upper age limit for volunteers and observed that the second sentence of the paragraph which detailed when a volunteering role may become detrimental to somebodies’ health, could apply to a volunteer of any age. She therefore suggested that the second sentence of this section be separated as it could be seen as ageist. 


Councillor Connolly referred to Section 14 and said that there was confusion as the volunteering contract was with BEAM but volunteers where to follow East Herts Council’s health and safety policies and procedures. She questioned how volunteers would have training and access to these policies.

The Head of Strategic Finance and Property said that BEAM was not a legal entity, and that as East Herts Council was the legal entity reference must be made to it. 


Councillor Connolly said that the policy contained sentences which stated that volunteers must comply with BEAM, and that therefore this needed clarifying.


The Head of Strategic Finance and Property said that BEAM was a venue which had specific risks (such as working at height, in enclosed spaces, and with pyro techniques) and required separate health and safety policies. He said that this resulted in there being three health and safety documents.


The Chair sought clarification that said these were East Herts Council documents which referred to BEAM.


The Head of Strategic Finance and Property said that when BEAM was spoken about this referred to the building, so the health and safety documents referred to BEAM the building. 


Councillor Connolly referred to Section 17- which detailed confidentiality and data and said that this appeared confused, and suggested it be reviewed by the Legal Department. She said that in particular she was concerned with the status of documents and how volunteers were trained on and accessed these. She said that with regards to confidentially, General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) should be referred to.      


Councillor Connolly referred to Section 19 – and asked if the procedure for a volunteer leaving BEAM was a separate document which would come before the Committee. She asked how a volunteer would raise a complaint or grievance and if there was a feedback mechanism.


Councillor Connolly said that it appeared to be a complicated volunteering organisation, and that this together with the risks described, required a lot of training. She said with the open loops which she had detailed she would be concerned with approving the policy.


The Head of Strategic Finance and Property said that should the policy not be approved the operation of BEAM could be jeopardised.


The Chair asked when the Committee would next have sight of the policy, as the use of volunteers from sixteen years of age was an expected future update.


The Human Resources and Organisational Development Manager said that the next Human Resources Committee was scheduled for September, and that if there were concerns to address these would be worked on with urgency, and the policy brought before the next meeting. 


The Human Resources and Organisational Development Manager said that with regards to the concerns raised by Councillor Connolly the reason for no trainers may be due to PPE requirement, for which he would obtain clarity. He reiterated that BEAM was the building and the brand name.


Councillor Hollebon said that she understood the implications but did not want to overload things for the volunteers. She asked that with Everyone Active (EA) taking responsibility for BEAM if discussions had been had with them regarding the use of volunteers.


The Head of Strategic Finance and Property said that EA was not taking over the running of BEAM, which remained a Council’s operation. He clarified that two experienced theatre managers from EA had been seconded to BEAM to give advice, guidance, and technical assistance to the Council’s in- house Operations Team while the building was mobilised. He reiterated that there had been no decision to outsource BEAM to EA.


Councillor Hollebon said that she had been misadvised, and that it was the responsibility of the Leader of the Council and its Executive to communicate with clarity so that every Member knew the true position regarding BEAM.


The Chair echoed the comments regarding the need for clarity for Members and the members of the public which were made by Councillor Hollebon.


The Human Resources and Organisational Development Manager referred to the comments regarding Section 19 which were made by Councillor Connelly. He said that this area would be covered by the Council, with the Human Resources Team giving support when required. He agreed that this could be made clearer within the policy.


Councillor Connolly voiced her concerns that BEAM was to be run with volunteers, with its risks and a policy which contained gaps.  


Councillor Willcocks asked for clarification that the policy could be passed with comments/ reservations and returned to the Committee for review.


The Committee Support Officer advised that the Committee needed to stipulate the actions required and give a timeframe for this.


The Chair said that she appreciated the requirement to safeguard volunteers but was conscious not to be too onerous or unfriendly.


The Unison Representative said that BEAM (or Hertford Theatre as was) had a large number of dedicated and skilled   volunteers, who other venues were envious of. She said that her understanding was that these volunteers were keen to return, and hoped that this information alleviated some of the concerns raised. She said that she appreciated the need for a clearer policy but emphasised the need to take the policy forward.


The Human Resources and Organisational Development Manager reiterated that he was happy to take the comments on board and encouraged Members to email him with any further comments. 


Councillor Deffley asked if the comments could be addressed, and the amended policy circulated for approval outside of the meeting.


Councillor Connolly suggested the organising of an extraordinary meeting of the Committee.


The Chair said that the concerns raised related to one policy, with a small number of amendments. She suggested that the policy be approved, subject to it returning to the Committee in September to allow second discussion. She said that BEAM was to open at the end of August 2024 and that recruiting volunteers would be a long process.


The Head of Strategic Finance and Property said that as the Committee was constituted Members were required to be present at a meeting to vote, for a decision to be valid.


Councillor Swainston said that whilst she recognised the concerns raised by Councillor Connolly, she could see nothing in the policy which posed an immediate danger. She suggested that the policy be approved, the amendments be made, and the policy brought before the next meeting of the Committee.  She noted that Southmill Arts Centre was run with volunteers, and so the situation was not unusual. 


It was moved by Councillor Willcocks and seconded by Councillor Swainston, that the recommendations, as detailed, be approved. After being put to the meeting and a vote taken, this motion was declared CARRIED. It was noted that Councillor Connolly abstained from the vote.


RESOLVED – that the updated Volunteering Policy be approved, with the amendments made as detailed, and returned to the September meeting of the Human Resources Committee for further review.

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