Agenda item

Redundancy Policy Report


The Human Resources and Organisational Development Service Manager introduced the report, explaining that the Redundancy Policy had been updated for business reasons, to reinstate a clause which was not in the Council’s current policy. He said that the clause had been removed approximately fifteen years ago, but that neither Human Resources nor Unison had a record of this change. 


The Human Resources and Organisational Development Service Manager said that the reinstated clause would prevent employees from receiving redundancy and then being re-employed by the Council within six months. He said reinstating the clause would be good practice and protect public money. 


Jackie Bruce said that such a clause was consistent with other local authorities, ensured business continuity and negated the potential negative impact which such an incident may have on the Council’s remaining staff. She said that it was unclear as to why the clause was deleted and this appeared to be a glitch.


Sharon Forde said that it was important to remember that not all employees received substantial redundancy pay, and that there may therefore be some circumstances which were appropriate to be excluded from the clause.


The Human Resources and Organisational Development Service Manager said that the policy needed to be consistent, and that the clause was designed to stop people from taking redundancy money and then applying for another Council job. He added that the offer of alternative employment instead of redundancy may be an option available to some employees.


Hilary Marsh said that the Council had some technical jobs which were external funding dependant, and that the clause could limit the talent base by not allowing former employees to apply for roles which were readvertised when new funding was awarded.  


The Human Resources and Organisational Development Service Manager said that there could be some consideration regarding the clause to address such niche circumstances.  


Jackie Bruce said that employees who had less than two years’ service would not receive any redundancy monies. She said that some local authorities had a clause which stopped employees from taking work in anyother local authority for a period following redundancy, and that it was positive that this was not in the East Herts policy. She added that it was important that a balance was reached which protected the public purse and limited any embarrassment for the Council. 


Councillor Hollebon said that clause seemed in line and proportionate, and asked if employees who retired could return to another Council job.


The Human Resources and Organisational Development Service Manager said that the Retirement Policy should include this and needed to be considered.


Councillor Hollebon said agreed with this inclusion/consideration to the Retirement Policy, saying that this could also impact the Council’s remaining staff.


Hilary Marsh drew attention to page 80 of the report which referred to Unison as ‘she’.


The Human Resources and Organisational Development Service Manager said that this grammatical error would be corrected.


Councillor Daar said that it would be better for policy changes to be presented to the Panel with tracked changes.

The Human Resources and Organisational Development Service Manager said that this could be facilitated for future panels. 


It was moved by Councillor Dumont and seconded by Councillor Hollebon that the updated Redundancy Policy be recommended to the Human Resources Committee for approval. It was noted that Councillor Daar, Sharon Forde and Hilary Marsh abstained from voting. After being put to the meeting and a vote taken, this motion was declared CARRIED.


RESOLVED – that the updated Redundancy Policy be recommended to the Human Resources Committee for approval.



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