Agenda item

3/19/0790/OUT - Outline Application for up to 342 residential dwellings (of a range of size and type) together with associated access, parking, public open space and amenity space. Access and Scale to be determined (Layout, Appearance and Landscaping reserved for future determination) at (HERT3) Archers Spring, Land North Of Welwyn Road, Hertford


The Chairman advised that at 3:30 pm this afternoon, Democratic Services had received an email from the applicant’s agent in relation to Mr Springer and Mr Parr jointly addressing the committee for 6 minutes regarding outline application 3/19/0790/OUT.


As per the Council constitution, paragraph 6.4.2 sets out that all speaking requests must be made by 5pm two working days prior to the meeting.


Then Chairman said that under the constitution, the committee can depart as it sees fit from the speaking arrangements on certain applications, in accordance with paragraph 6.4.5 of the constitution. The committee could agree to depart from the speaking arrangements and would need to vote on this.


Councillor Estop proposed and Councillor Connolly Hill seconded, a motion that in accordance with paragraph 6.4.5 of the constitution, the committee agree to depart from the speaking arrangements of the Development Management Committee, to allow Mr Springer and Mr Parr to jointly address the committee for 6 minutes regarding outline application 3/19/0790/OUT.


After being put to the meeting and a vote taken, the motion was declared CARRIED.


RESOLVED – that in accordance with paragraph 6.4.5 of the constitution, the committee agree to depart from the speaking arrangements of the Development Management Committee, to allow Mr Springer and Mr Parr to jointly address the committee for 6 minutes in respect of outline application 3/19/0790/OUT.


The Head of Planning and Building Control recommended that in respect of outline application 3/19/0790/OUT, outline planning permission be granted subject to the conditions set out at the end of the report.


The planning case officer set out details of the outline application and summarised in detail the heads of terms of the section 106 legal agreement. He said that access and scale were to be determined only as part of this application, and layout, appearance and landscaping were reserved for future determination.


Mr Leaf and Mr Mitchell addressed the committee in objection to the application. Mr Springer addressed the Committee as the applicant’s agent. Councillor Clements addressed the committee as the local ward Member.


At 7:45 pm, Councillor Watson proposed and Councillor Hill seconded, a motion for an adjournment for 5 minutes to facilitate the remote attendance of an Officer from Hertfordshire County Council highways. After being put to the meeting and a vote taken, this motion was declared CARRIED.


RESOLVED – that the meeting be adjourned for 5 minutes to facilitate the remote attendance of an Officer from Hertfordshire County Council highways.


Mr Armstrong addressed the Committee from Hertfordshire County Council and answered questions from Members. Planning Officers and the Section 106 Officer answered questions from the Committee.


Councillor Stowe proposed and Councillor Hill seconded, a motion that outline application 3/19/0790/OUT be granted planning permission, subject to a section 106 legal agreement and subject to the conditions set out at the end of the report and subject to the following additions to conditions:


·               Pedestrian crossings will be constructed.

·               Works be carried out and completed in respect of bus stops (conditions 15 and 17).

·               Condition requiring the details of a green corridor.

·               Officers identify a way of referring to heights above ordinance survey datum.

·               Clarification of the allocation of section 106 funds.


After being put to the meeting and a vote taken, the motion was declared CARRIED.


RESOLVED – that outline application 3/19/0790/OUT be granted planning permission, subject to a section 106 legal agreement and subject to the conditions set out at the end of the report and subject to the following additions to conditions:


·               Pedestrian crossings will be constructed.

·               Works be carried out and completed in respect of bus stops (conditions 15 and 17).

·               Condition requiring the details of a green corridor.

·               Officers identify a way of referring to heights above ordinance survey datum.

·               Clarification of the allocation of section 106 funds.


At 9:04 pm, Councillor Estop proposed and Councillor Hill seconded, a motion for an adjournment for 10 minutes. After being put to the meeting and a vote taken, the motion was declared CARRIED.


RESOLVED – that the meeting be adjourned for 10 minutes.

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